Where Is Egypt Politics Headed?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by pspr, Feb 7, 2011.

  1. pspr


    Shameeh, why do you defend the murdering Arabs? You know the original accord was for the Jewish state. Why cannot your hateful people accept what is written? Why do they murder and attack while hiding behind defenseless women and children? Why do they murder their own people?

    The only reason there is no peace in the middle east is because of Arab, Palestinian and Persian people demanding war. It will be the death of them for rejecting peace.
    #31     Feb 8, 2011
  2. Why defend murdering Arabs or Jews?

    "Thou shalt not kill."

    #32     Feb 8, 2011
  3. LOL, you really are a clown. There was no arab peace proposal, there was a demand for Israel to commit suicide after which the arab countries were willing to normalize relations with Israel. Seriously, do you think you are fooling anyone?
    #33     Feb 8, 2011
  4. Which original accord? Please do tell! :D
    #34     Feb 8, 2011
  5. BTW sameeh, I want to ask you a question.

    Based on what's going on in Egypt nowdays, based on what happened when Hamas came to power, here is my question: What's an agreement with an Arab state worth if the next government of that Arab state can unilaterally dissolve it without any reason?

    Please let me know if you want me to rephrase it as a multiple choice question. Or you can call a friend.
    #35     Feb 8, 2011
  6. For an arrogant monkey like you, who is soaked in fascism, you would take a regional normalization of relationships throughout the Middle East, and permanent peace as a demand, for other sensible people who care about their societies, this proposal is mutually acceptable one. At the end of the day, you have rejected a proposal that could've ended the conflict and allowed everyone to live in peace. The bottom line, your zionist entity cannot come later on and claim to want peace.
    #36     Feb 8, 2011
  7. You mean like how Sharon unilatrally killed the Oslo agreement and demanded to re-negotiate it?

    As for Hamas the "Radical", Even Hannyeh stated three weeks ago that if the Palestinian people, through a referendum, agreed to the 1967 border, and if the Arab states approved it, Hamas will abide by it.

    As for Egypt, it is you who allied and supported a dictator against his own people for 30 years, how dare they say fuck Israel?

    I am not the one who goes back to his people to get a different version of the same broken record monkey.
    #37     Feb 8, 2011
  8. Sure the zionist entity wants peace, it made peace with Egypt and Jordan. You scumbag don't want peace, you want Egypt to dissolve its peace treaty with Israel as you stated in your previous posts.

    As far as the arab "peace proposal" is concerned it's not a proposal, it's an ultimatum and it's not about peace, it's about Israel national suicide, it's about Israel becoming 24th arab state with arab majority and indefensible borders.
    #38     Feb 8, 2011
  9. No, I mean Hamas came to power and nullified Palestinian agreements with Israel signed by the previous palestinian government. Now there is a lot of talk that the next Egyptian government whatever it may be might dissolve the Camp David accords. Which merely demonstrates that arabs are not to be trusted and their word is not worth the paper it's written on.
    #39     Feb 8, 2011
  10. pspr


    In an attempt to bolster the Palestinian argument, Mr. Erekat on Monday produced a copy of a letter signed by President Harry S. Truman on May 14, 1948. In its original form, it recognizes the provisional government of the new Jewish state, but the typed words “Jewish state” in the second paragraph have been crossed out and replaced with the handwritten “State of Israel.”

    It was later corrected by a Truman adviser, Clark M. Clifford, after the declaration of independence in order to call the country by its name, not to deny its Jewish character.
    #40     Feb 8, 2011