Where does everyone live/trade and how old.

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Steve Tvardek, Dec 9, 2005.

  1. That wasn't my intention. Its just the fact that anyone can sign up at a broker and place a trade and all of a sudden you're a trader.

    But, to be a doctor or a dentist etc you have to go to a professional school and then complete certifications and exams etc to be qualified as one.

    There should be a minimum requirement of at least 24 consecutive profitable months before someone can classify themselves as a trader.
    #41     Dec 10, 2005
  2. Are you a trader?
    #42     Dec 10, 2005
  3. Bought my first stock when I was 15 and in 9th grade.

    So, yeah, I been trading for 10 years.
    #43     Dec 10, 2005
  4. omniscient

    omniscient Guest

    i agree steve. it wasn't too many months ago we saw this post:




    a few months later, this guy has progressed to:


    as i recall one of his 'best days ever' early on was about $200 in a day. six months later he's doing 5-10 times that much ... and consistently. not too shabby for a noob.

    it's too easy to get in on the noob-flaming (and not that Ripley was necessarily flaming noobs either). eveyone has to start somewhere.

    take care :)


    BTW: congrats Szeven on your continued and expanding success.
    #44     Dec 10, 2005
  5. I hear what you are saying but I doubt that the brand new guys outwardly claim to be "elite". If they did, then they deserve to be brought back down to earth.

    24 months of profitability is a little extreme. I, myself, have probably only been profitable for 14 months, but have made almost $120,000 net this year trading. According to your criteria, I am not a trader.

    #45     Dec 10, 2005
  6. 21, newport beach, trading for 2 years
    #46     Dec 10, 2005
  7. Are you profitable last 24 months?
    #47     Dec 10, 2005

  8. Last 24 months:

    Net trading losses: -$50 K
    Living expenses for 2 years: -$50K
    Salary at a job wasted away: -$120 K

    25 and to know that you won't have any more negative trading months ever again: priceless.... or at least a couple of billions.
    #48     Dec 10, 2005
  9. age-- ancient

    location-- bryn mawr, PA

    occupation---marketsurfer's handler,muse,spiritual advisor,and compliance officer.

    don't you all wish you could be soooooo lucky!

    :D :p

    #49     Dec 10, 2005
  10. omniscient

    omniscient Guest

    true. that's really all it takes. if you've got the money, honey, we've got your disease.

    yeah, but in nearly every field that has such qulaifications, from teaching to telecom to law to medicine and beyond, it's easy to find unqualified 'qualified' practitioners.

    ugh, i'm sure that would make the IRS very happy, but scores of very profitable traders still have down months. if a trader had 20 winning months, averaging 8% each month, had a down month, and then had 22 winning months, he's still not a trader? with any other job you are what you are as long as you are doing it. fry cook, accountant, porn star, insurance salesman, whatever it is.

    anyway, thx for clarifying your original post and intentions.

    take care :)

    #50     Dec 10, 2005