Where Did Global Warming Go?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by pspr, Jan 5, 2013.

  1. Nitro has it right. Thank you nitro for the interjection of rationality. The volume of stupidity here gets depressing. I hope you other numbskulls don't use charts in your trading. Your ignorance and inability to read them is shocking. Facts don't seem to matter at all. It's actually quite a fascinating look into the psychology of the rabid right and their intentional ignorance of science or anything that runs counter to their rigid ideology.

    #21     Jan 6, 2013
  2. Lucrum


    Therefore I have some proposals:

    1)HVAC systems consuming more than 5 amps should be banned.

    2)Those evil selfish HVAC installers should be publicly drawn and quartered for their contribution to GW.
    #22     Jan 6, 2013
  3. We've gone over this many times. I'm not going there again. All that is needed to know is that CO2 is a greenhouse gas and we are pumping huge quantities of it into the air. There is no historical precedent for what is happening now. You are unable or unwilling to acknowledge the larger realty. The fact that you would use this 16 year cherry picked period to supposedly prove something about a longer term trend just proves that you are simply stubborn. It's quite disingenous of you because I don't think you are really that stupid.
    #23     Jan 6, 2013
  4. To stupid to respond to. Oooops I responded.
    #24     Jan 6, 2013
  5. Lucrum


    So you have no problem screaming about GW whilst you profit from the installation of HVAC systems which consume enormous amounts of electricity, 40% of which is generated by coal fired electric plants. Gotcha.

    You have a lot in common with Al <s>Gore</s> Jazeera.
    #25     Jan 6, 2013
  6. jem


    Notice... all the emotions... and not even a salute to cause and effect empiricism.

    You are correct... in man's recent history we have never seen such a release and accumulation of CO2.

    But we have seen such accumulations in earths history as shown by the ice cores.

    Does it not register on your liars brain that since warming has preceded the CO2 accumulation throughout history you might want to make more rational statements - in the absence of proof.

    Are you too dumb... and too much of a liar to acknowledge that the correct way to approach this is to say...

    Releasing all this CO2 is unprecedented and the wise thing to do... is moderate our actions.

    Do you have bullshit your ass off and say you know it causes warming although that seems contrary to earth's previous multi hundred thousand year history / data.

    And finally, do you have to install air conditioners and at the same time as being a carbon hating gw alarmist. it makes you seem like a real asshole hypocrite.

    Some us were actually attorneys who volunteered our time for clean water and air groups before the groups those groups became corrupted by money. Yes you can find my name as lead attorney in San Diego court files as lead attorney in a suit to keep the bay clean.
    #26     Jan 6, 2013
  7. No I don't have a problem with it. In a very practical way I am helping to reduce energy use. I replace existing systems with ones that much more efficient. My HVAC systems save lives. Without A/C and heat people would die. This is a fact. Electricity does not have have to come from fossil fuels. I think we should do more nuclear. Al Gore is carbon neutral. This is all obvious stuff to all but the most stupid of rabid conservatives.
    #27     Jan 6, 2013

  8. blah blah blah. I have nothing to do with man made global warming. I could heat and cool several McMansions, fly a plane, own a muscle car and drive a Hummer. It changes nothing about the science. Talk to the chart. I know you guys like to deflect away from the science. Attack the messenger not the message, because the science behind man-made GW is overwhelming. There is virtually no argument among the experts.

    But kudos to you for your clean water efforts. I donate money to organizations that pay lawyers to fight cases like that.

    #28     Jan 6, 2013
  9. jem


    there is no science behind your "science".
    you will notice over the last few years many of the articles you posted got more science like as they started to admit or attempt to "explain" why co2 lags warming.
    #29     Jan 6, 2013
  10. 377OHMS


    That is simply untrue.

    There is huge disagreement in the scientific community about the source of global warming. You spew things you read as though they were fact when you really have little comprehension of the science.

    Your own lifestyle is in perfect conflict with your religious belief in AGW which makes you a hypocrite and I think it is safe to add "putz" to your description.
    #30     Jan 6, 2013