where can weekly oil demand figures be found?

Discussion in 'Commodity Futures' started by TradinMadMan, Dec 27, 2008.

  1. Need help finding eia/doe weekly oil (petroleum) demand figures. The Wall Street Journal publishes it every Thursday.However, I can't find at eia's website weekly reports . Is it called something else?

    thanks in advance
  2. I was looking for that a few months ago, but couldn't find it.

    I don't think DOE publishes weekly demand stats for the world. They have weekly data for US only:

    "Weekly Petroleum Status Report Highlights" will have weekly U.S. gasoline and heating oil demand printed in the summary section (not in the table -- look at the 1st paragraph on second column on pg 1)

    Tabulated world demand is listed here, but data is monthly:

    Let me know if you have any luck finding the weekly data, because I am looking for it too.
  3. Thanks for responding lemee. I'll contact you if I locate the demand figures online.