Where can I get 1-minute historical charts

Discussion in 'Forex' started by sgtraders, Sep 23, 2005.

  1. Free will be better:D
  2. Try an FX Solutions demo account. You can get 1 min charts going back years.

    Best regards
  3. Thanks. But fxsol and fxdaily can't get past data. Oanda chart still the better one but it limited to 8 hours only.



  4. Hi,

    You can get at least 12 hours of 1 minute data for any date going back many years (depending on currency).

    Go into GTS charting (FXSol) and set the time and interval manually, uncheck auto update.

    Best regards
  5. <IMG SRC="http://www.marketcenter.com/chart?cont=EUR+A0-FX&period=V&varminutes=1&size=3000x700&bartype=CANDLE&bardensity=HIGH">