When do you make the choice to switch from price making to taking, and how quickly?

Discussion in 'Automated Trading' started by Error Correction Funder, Mar 18, 2018.

  1. Generally, I like to price make, and I mostly do since someone will hit my order somewhere between the best bid and offer.

    But when my positions are too imbalanced, I'll start hitting others' orders if I have to.

    What are your heuristics for making the choice to take others' limit orders rather than waiting for others to hit yours?
  2. tommcginnis


    I have never accepted the other side of a standing market unless the sky was in the process of falling, and my head hurt from the falling chunks not successfully dodged.

    (Y'know. FWIW and all that. YMMV. "Objects in mirror may be closer to ruining your day than they appear." "Don't operate heavy machinery while taking Prices' FrumdaMarQuett." Prior results do guarantee future returns.)