When Democracy Failed - The Warnings Of History

Discussion in 'Politics' started by trader556, Mar 23, 2003.

  1. You're priceless:D

    Just for kicks, and to try to stay on this thread's purpose, please tell us how you've come to the conclusion that democracy is better than ANY other form of government in ALL cases.

    If you can't do that, we'll understand. It's probably something you can't come up with off of the top of your head. Give it some time grasshopper:D

    Next lesson: Why Mondo's beloved Capitalism doesn't work!!!:D
    #21     Mar 24, 2003
  2. Some in the later group believe that GW was elected as well:D
    #22     Mar 24, 2003
  3. Let it be known that the radical left HATES DEMOCRACY ! Here the admit it !
    #23     Mar 24, 2003
  4. So, you believe that the election in the United States is FIXED, but HITLER and SADAM were democratically elected ???


    You are PRICELESS yourself, but as an example of why the left in the United States is doomed.
    #24     Mar 24, 2003
  5. Let it be known that Mondo will not enter into a real debate on democracy.

    You are amusing though:D I think that you may be a little on the conservative side of the spectrum Mondo... and it's funny that you won't debate the merits of a system you believe so strongly in. But that's Ok.
    #25     Mar 24, 2003
  6. :D I don't think the election was fixed, but the popular vote did go to Gorebot. Bush lost to the biggest loser the Crats could have thrown at him (minus teddy K.).

    And I didn't say that Saddam was democratically elected, but you did have the figures in one of your previous posts. Hitler was elected though... mainly due to economic reasons.

    And once again you miss the point. Democracy is a system that works for SOME countries.
    #26     Mar 24, 2003
  7. "Democracy is a system that works for SOME countries."

    Some countries ? And which countries are those ? And why would it work here and not somewhere else ? And at least you are now admitting that Democracy works.
    #27     Mar 24, 2003
  8. I never said that democracy doesn't work. It just doesn't work when the society won't let it. For example, when the society starts to panic in the face of war, economic troubles, tribal tensions, etc.

    I'm glad you've asked a question that will allow you to understand... There are many reasons why it might not work...

    History... when tribes have been fighting for hundreds and/or thousands of years, they don't readily sit down to eat together, and much less often, will they agree on political solutions to problems. You have to have a rule of law which relies on a police and/or military force. This is why Afghanistan is regressing right now. No funding, no guidance, no history.

    Geography... countries that have neighbors that want to kill them don't have the luxury of time to make decisions in a parliamentary setting. They need to be able to act quickly and decisively to survive. We have the comfort of the world's largest oceans on both sides and friendly neighbors all around which allows us to have a deliberative government system.

    You might also notice that our system has evolved quite radically over the past 60 years to more of a dictatorial system. Executive orders pretty much rule our nations actions (especially militarily) and very few times will you see a congressional meeting on whether or not to go to war. All they do is "authorize force" when the president sees fit to exert it. See the Gulf of Tonkin or last October's (forgive me if I'm off on the month... I think that's right) resolution on the use of force in Iraq for more info. Read the language... it's pretty absolute.

    Hope that clarifies it a bit Mondo.
    #28     Mar 24, 2003
  9. ok, so given your reasons for why democracy can't develop, explain how the hell it developed in the United States ???

    Explain how it developed in France ?

    Explain how it developed in the UK ?

    IN EVERY CASE, every reason you gave for blocking democracy existed !

    As for the United States being a dictatorship that is totally insane, just like when you said Hitler was democratically elected.

    Once again I would like to ask where you went to school ?
    #29     Mar 24, 2003
  10. You're wrong once again.

    History and geography were all on the side of the US, the UK, and France.

    Democracy evolved in England (over a thousand years) and France (also over a thousand years) because they were sick of monarchies and the US was a function of running away from the crown in England and having the room to be comfortable. Then the settlers in the US killed the tribes that oppossed them. That way we had the room to have a "successful" nation. And by the way, without the HELP OF THE FRENCH we wouldn't have beaten the english. We'd still be under the crown:D Amazing but true. Without our help, Iraq will be taken over (see the piece you cited earlier) piece by piece by it's neighbors. Turkey is already moving troops into N. Iraq, Iran is getting ready to make a play for Southern Iraq, and the Sunnis in the center will become refugees in their own land without our help after the invasion.

    Political evolution is a fact.

    And, once again, I didn't say the US was a dictatorship... I said it was getting more dictatorial... which means that a leader dictates the order of the day more often than in the past. I also qualified it further, but you neglected to include that.

    You are very good at taking people out of context... somehow I think you've learned how to channel Ann Coulter:) Just read her book... VERY entertaining.

    The fact is that countries evolve based on their makeup and external forces. Sometimes a democratic form of government doesn't work.:D
    #30     Mar 24, 2003