What's with these strikes?

Discussion in 'Options' started by caroy, Feb 12, 2021.

  1. caroy



    I'm sure there's some explanation? Anyone encounter this? From a split? A dividend?
    .sigma likes this.
  2. .sigma


    Ahhhh no dark mode? My eyes are burning!
  3. maxinger


    ha! we are at the opposite ends.

    I can't stand dark mode; My eyes would burn.
    and my brain would explode.
    Amatrue and .sigma like this.
  4. .sigma


    interesting! My eyes can't stand white backgrounds, especially at night.. are your eyes black with white pupils? lol
  5. maxinger


    I guess you must be some young people.

    as we age, our eyes will deteriorate.
    I have a cataract problem.
    But at this moment, an eye operation is not really necessary.
    I just need a brighter screen.

    Netflix background is black in color.
    I think I will cancel my Netflix subscription.
    I can't stand the black background.
    Amatrue likes this.
  6. JSOP


    You need cataract surgery. My uncle is the same as you and lived with cataract problems without even knowing it and would often snap at my aunt for making everything so dark until he now had cataract surgery and said his world instantly brightened (pun intended) up! He said it's literally night and day difference. He is now so much happier and is enjoying everything he does so much more. Trust me, the surgery is worth it. It's painless and short and you go home right away and the recovery is really quick.
  7. caroy


  8. caroy


    I like the light mode better but i have a layover glare filter app for my screen that makes it more tolerable.