What's up with Yahoo finance's "Crowded Hedge Fund Position" watchlist?

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by Saltynuts, Feb 3, 2021.

  1. Does anyone follow this? Here is a link:


    If you look at the 3 month returns vis a vis the SP500, you would say WOW, this is a goldmine. However, I've noticed their numbers on daily performance seem to be off quite often. Adding up the 30 up/down percentages and dividing by 30, I sometimes get results that are DRASTICLY different from what they listed. Today their listed up is 1.16%, but I get 1.19%. But that is probably just a rounding thing. But other days its WAY off, at least when I do the calculation. Earlier today, but after close, the index was listed as up 3.2%. I don't really know what is going on.

    Anyone follow this and know what they are doing? And do those 3 month numbers really represent what this index would get if you held the index, as it changes on a daily basis, over 3 months? Or if they add a new stock to the index is the prior 30 day performance of that stock included in the 30 day performance? That would be misleading by juuuuuuust a bit lol.

  2. Nobert


    Hey, just an insight -

    from top - #4 $GE, then $F
    & etc.
    That index has some garbage in it.

    ,,Past performance is not an indicator of future results''

    Between you and me, these are the names that i would remove & keep the rest :

    (p.s QS - Have no idea how this one made it into that list, must be wsbets magic or smthn.)
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2021
  3. Haha so funny Nobert, when I saw those symbols I thought the exact same thing! But I dunno, maybe because we are thinking that such is what most people are thinking and thus they are underpriced, hence why, apparently, hedge funds are interested in them? I've been buying just a little bit of the stocks in that watchlist, and I think I'm up a bit on both GE and F, could be wrong, but I think so.
    Nobert likes this.
  4. Weird no one else follows this, been tracking it, seems to have real alpha, but there are some discrepancies and issues there...
  5. Nobert


    There's simply more opportunities than monies, although, you could offer the best deal/idea & average Joe would still dive all in - into some weird naked leveraged whatever iron butterfly call GME play & come out with no socks.:)
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2021