What's going on with angela merkel??

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by optionnew, Dec 13, 2011.

  1. She keeps pushing the can down the road, & it becomes more & more expensive for GERMANY to stem the crisis. The ECB holds banks shaky cloleteral, buys PIIGS bonds, sends money to IMF, 500B fund, and still a lot more to come because the crisis is still in full force).
    After recently reading about her past, last minute diving, getting divorced after finnaly her husband finished the house.. revolting agianst kohn who made her big by including her in his cabinet.... I start to wonder if she is an emotionally disturbd women??
  2. Reas the newsweek cover story.
  3. benwm


    Apparently she's Hitlers daughter.
  4. Stok


    There is an economic WWIII starting between her and the UK.
  5. It's called Hot Flashes :D
  6. benwm
