whats does it mean when market is up but small cap stocks are down in general?

Discussion in 'Economics' started by mute9003, Dec 29, 2021.

  1. mute9003


    first of
    Is it whats happening at the moment or im wrong about this?
    And what is happening at the moment if i was wrong about this?

    And in general can anyone give me a some basics about when parts of market dont match the moves
    like when market is up but small caps/bigger stocks are down
    Or like in the picture attached. How can the market be up ans majority of stocks down?
    shuraver and murray t turtle like this.
  2. qlai


  3. %%
    ALL that means is small caps+ mid caps are/maybe more of a roller coaster...........................................................................................................
    [2] That's easy\different companies tend to do better \LUV > DAL, over time ;
    tech stocks tend to outperform /even if 2021 is an exception to rule.
    Wisdom is profitable to direct.........................................................................
    I've noticed the words ''bubble, tech wreck, irational ex... overvalued, over sold + overbought'' seldom mean much@ all, or means some missed the move + likes to explain it a way/LOL:D:D
  4. mute9003


    What usually follows this?
    Panic or rebound?
  5. qlai


    It’s considered to be a bearish indicator.
    countryBoy641 and KCalhoun like this.
  6. Is there an index that excludes the FAANGM + Tesla?

    (There are what, 6-7000 stocks traded? Yet the perception of "the market" is way heavily weighted in these 7 stocks.)
  7. KCalhoun


    Finance and small cap weakness is a bearish lead indicator. I trade TZA
    ET180 likes this.
  8. qwerty11


    That small caps will go back up soon!
  9. Overnight


    Or it means there is a rotation from value (small) into growth (big)?
  10. maxinger


    just trade simply.
    Just long the market &
    short the small caps/bigger stocks.

    don't analyze too much and ended up suffering from
    data analysis paralysis.

    Let the professional writers do the analysis,
    and we just trade based on what we see from the charts.

    Rationalising/reasoning and trading don't mix.
    Professional writers and professional traders don't mix.
    #10     Dec 29, 2021
    cobco likes this.