What Would You Say Trump Has Done?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by easymon1, Jul 29, 2020.

  1. easymon1


    What Would You Say Trump Has Done?

    What Would You Say Trump Has Done?
  2. piezoe


    Oh please. We all know exactly what he has done, and so do all the women whose pussies were grabbed, so do the 72 U.S. Banks he defaulted on, so does Lt. Colonel Vindman, so does Michael Cohen, so do the families whose sons and daughters are serving in Afghanistan, so do the parents deported without their children, so do the children indefinitely locked in cages, so does Vladimir Putin, and so does the SDNY.
  3. LacesOut


    My basic uodated list:

    He appointed two non-activist Supreme Court Justices.

    He is filling the courts with Conservatives.

    He trolled the mainstream media into openly admitting their bias.

    Moved the US embassy to Jerusalem (a fuck you to the Islamists)

    He got Kim Jong Un to talk.

    He got America out of the Paris Climate Extortion scam.

    He hasn't released any more Terrorist leaders and their money.

    He's put the Chinese to the wall.

    He’s governing Conservatively.

    He released all the children that Obama put in cages.

    He improved conditions at the border.

    He is rounding up human traffickers like it’s going out of style.

    He lowered everyone's taxes.

    Pre covid He helped to achieve record employment for minorities.

    Pre covid He dragged the economy above and beyond Obama's "new normal".

    Stocks are still near record highs.

    He reduced the sale of firearms without infringing on anyone's 2nd Amendment rights.

    He made red hats fashionable.
    stoic, WeToddDid2 and smallfil like this.
  4. RRY16


    He’s made LacesOut jerk off to his photo every day.
  5. Overnight


    It is not going to be hilarious when he royally fucks this country over when he knows he will no longer be president. It will start in November 2020 if he loses the election, or it will be sometime between 2022 and 2023 when he finally realizes he cannot have a third term.

  6. LacesOut


    Not needed - Your Mom jerks me off everyday.
  7. Kept Hellary out of the WH. That alone was worth it.
    BeautifulStranger likes this.
  8. Tsing Tao

    Tsing Tao

    He appointed and got in two conservative judges to the SCOTUS. That's all I voted for him to do.
  9. The following is a list of the major positive aspects of Trump’s first term:

    1. Trump called out political correctness for the political thought controlling device it was.
    2. Trump called out media bias and hypocracy.
    3. Trump provided hopes of representation against the ongoing media assault on men, Whites, and straights.
    4. Trump rolled back business disabling regulations, increasing business confidence and hiring, and resulting in a tight labor market that accelerated wage growth before Covid.
    5. Trump renegotiated our previously unfair trade agreements.
    6. Trump has appointed hundreds of judges that will likely result in court decisions more in line with rule of law than party imperatives, including Supreme Court justices.
    7. Trump respresents a counterforce, unlike Democrat politicians against violent groups such as Antifa and BLM factions.
    8. Trump’s policies have resulted in a stock market boom, enabling long term business and economy sustaining capital formation, at least before Covid hit.

    Great job on the above, Mr. President. Wonder what his plans are if reelected?
  10. Nine_Ender


    The level of delusion you are operating on is incredible. I bet your quality of life has not improved at all the last 4 years. Now you can wait until your taxes get raised to pay the bills Trump racked up.
    #10     Aug 2, 2020