What would you do if 25 yrs old?

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by trade4succes, Jun 30, 2003.

  1. ElCubano


    Sometimes the fun that you are having turns out to be a waste of time when looking back at it.......peace.....besides you can have your cake and eat it too...just manage your time correctly....
    #51     Jul 1, 2003
  2. Elliott


    Really appreciate this thread, it is really close to home. I have (2) young sons back from college this year and thankfully they seek advise/counseling/mentoring daily. My wife and I are still youthful at 47. For me, their recent return as men is truly a humbling experience.

    This subject is book material, but I'll be brief. In addition to the many other excellent posts, here are a few of the key points of advice I give to my guys:

    1) Continue to seek advice from your parents (of course) or others whom BY EXAMPLE have shown they are worthy of being listened to. Always remember it's not always what a person says that counts but also what they DO! Why your parents? More times than not THEY are the ones who have your best interest at heart.

    2) Trust & have faith in your dreams and aspirations, these one day will be reality. It is the dreams and aspirations of the young that improves life for all of us.

    3) Work hard and Play hard. Intensity decreases over time. If you keep #1 in mind when doing so, you will be fine.

    4) Be confident & have no regrets. Remember you are young and you will make mistakes. Just don't take risks that may be overly harmful or fatal.

    5) Laugh often. Surround yourself with people who laugh and love life.

    6) Be carefull to discuss politics and religion only with those who are truly interested. Let people see from your example what you're about.

    Just some of the lessons I've learned and try to pass on.

    By the way, they have their careers and do part-time work with me trading where application of these lessons are essential :) .

    Much Success to All,
    #52     Jul 1, 2003


    Great post; agree with all of them ... a few related comments of my own. On #1 above, it helps greatly if the woman is supportive of you if you're a trader. One who can deal with the occasional ups and downs and show compassion is a "keeper". And by following #2 (above) you can save up enough $$$ to trade on your own (if one so desires) and you ultimately may reach #8 (above). And by avoiding debt in #3 you have less stress trading since you have have less debt to worry about. And as a corollary to #4 above I strongly advocate working out ... not only does it keep you in great shape but it helps a lot with dealing with the stress from trading. And last, trading gives you freedom ... something working 9-5 doesn't allow.
    #53     Jul 1, 2003
  4. pic


    At 56 I have a wonderful wife and have been successful enough to retire whenever I want, (not likely to happen I enjoy the challenges of life to much).

    My success has not been achieved without failure.

    I have throughout my life failed as many times as I have succeeded, the key is to analyse the failure record the experience and constantly review where you went wrong.

    Everyone falls, that is ok, it is how fast you get up that matters.

    Dare to fail and you will succeed as long as you learn from the failure and NEVER EVER give up, no matter how bad the situation seems.

    A university dregree gives you a foundation. Life gives you an education and the knowledge to achieve success.
    #54     Jul 1, 2003
  5. Turning 26 was the hardest for me. For me this was t he age where I went from knowing everything down to realizing I knew absolutely nothing. A very humbling experience I must say.

    This was also the age where I learned not to trust anybody except for myself. You would be amazed at WHO the people are that stick around and support you during hard times and who doesn't.

    When you find your element you are on your way, I am still pretty young so where that way is I haven't a clue.

    One thing I can say is those young girls are the best and bag em as much as possible and try not to fall... let them fall for you. As the age of 28 grows closer I am starting to see how the hotties start to dwindle off. So if you come across a girl that is sound you may and I say may want to keep her.

    Money well, act like your broke all the time. Never show your hand and loose the emotional ties that high rollin can bring. It is unnecessary, and after all if you have the money for a BMW why not save and get a ferrari or something, there is always better.

    These are my 2 cents and I know they are not much.

    Have at it.

    #55     Jul 1, 2003
  6. My thinking is, if you have enough for a BMW, get the BMW and start saving for the Ferrari :p :D

    -FastTrader :cool:
    #56     Jul 1, 2003
  7. My trustworthy acura is has like 2 payments left on it and I think the world of that car. I do not need a bad ass car to get the hotties.:cool:
    #57     Jul 1, 2003
  8. pic


    A Ferrari is an expensive ego. Better buy a Ford and utilise the money to build your successful business then get the Ferrari.
    #58     Jul 1, 2003
    #59     Jul 1, 2003
  10. Cool. I also have drive an Acura, but I must sat the Vette gets more hotties :D

    #60     Jul 1, 2003