What would you do if 25 yrs old?

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by trade4succes, Jun 30, 2003.



    I heard a funny joke..."If you want to make your God laugh, tell him what you plan on doing tomorrow."
    #41     Jun 30, 2003
  2. nitro


    Ugh, yeah, double yeah.

    nitro :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :( :(
    #42     Jun 30, 2003
  3. At 25 I believed all the fairy tales professors were telling me and I wasn't listening to my mother's warning. I thought that everybody was kind sincere and honest, that the governement was working for the people, that law was justice etc. I hated particularly that people talked to me about money I didn't like money I thought it was bad, now I think that money is necessity and that it represents energy of life and that this money is taking away from the majority and that is taking the life of others. I thought I could do something but I have forgotten the idea: I have decided to not care about the happiness of the world because it is a waste of time. Like when I was twenty people can't realise with abstraction only but through experience. And my experience is not to listen too much to people kind advice because it's sometimes fairy tale and when you believe in fairy tale that can be dangerous because you are not on guard.

    As for life marrying is not very important but having somebody is important. It counts more than having money. But you musn't attach to anybody because loving somebody must not become slavery. If you want to go away or vice versa the other shouldn't prevent you from doing so. I almost experienced that happily I didn't happen and that's the most important thing I had experienced. Now I am more careful.
    #43     Jun 30, 2003
  4. 32 is just around the corner for me!:D

    I've made a few mistakes, nothing major. A few things that I've done right:

    -surrounded myself with people who make me laugh and know how to have a goodtime anywhere. my girlfriend tells me that at least 3-4 times a week she hears me laughing in my sleep.

    -don't waste time with people/things that are going to bring you down or hold you back from having a goodtime.

    Sounds like I'm all abou having a goodtime , right? Well, that's because I am.
    I hope to live a long life. If my time comes early, then I'm ready for it, but I'll go out fighting.
    Either way, when I go my face is going to look just like this :D
    #44     Jun 30, 2003
  5. Foz


    <b>6b. take an elementary school math refresher course.</b>&nbsp; Not only is that math hard to overcome, it's also hard to figure out!

    (It only takes a 33.3% gain to make up a 25% loss.&nbsp; 0.75 x 1.33 = 1)
    #45     Jun 30, 2003
  6. TGregg


    I'm not exactly a gray haired, Florida retiree - but I ain't a Start Partying at 11pm Guy anymore either. Frankly, I'm not sure I ever was a Start Partying at 11pm Guy. Seems like the youngsters start later these days. At 11pm, I'm having my last mug of wine and thinking about bed.

    Anyway, I might have a gem or two for you. First off, some advice from the ancients: "Know thyself" and "To thine own self, be true." The greatest struggles in my life have been to determine just what it is I want. Achieving these goals has generally been a piece of cake, compared to figuring them out. That does not mean they were easy, rather it means figuring them out was hard. For example, I chased my wife for almost 13 years. Now that's a courtship. And, it's pretty extreme, even for me. So imagine how hard it is to figure out just what I want.

    The level of your happiness is in direct proportion to how well you know what you want.

    The second aspect involves integrity. An astonishing number of people are more than happy to ditch their integrity at the drop of a hat. Hold on to yours, you will want to admire it in your later years. It is a worthy thing to enjoy.

    Finally I say to you if you live by these two principles, your troubles will generally be easy. Oh, you'll not think so while deep in the moment - but years later and upon reflection you will see that they were minor indeed. And, you will realize that being true is clearly what has aimed your life around the various potholes.
    #46     Jun 30, 2003
  7. nitro



    I am beginning to understand you now. I don't know if it is because you are spending more time on your wording or what.

    #47     Jun 30, 2003
  8. Just like losloslos when he first started in chat... :) ... but now he's like a homie!
    #48     Jun 30, 2003
  9. klutz


    Somebody told me a story about a reporter who was sent to an old age home to find out what old people regretted doing most in their lives.

    What she discovered was that virtually everybody she spoke to most regretted the things that they had NOT DONE.

    If you're 25 then just remember that you'll never be 24 again.
    #49     Jul 1, 2003
  10. I am 25 and I keep asking myself whether I should be having

    fun and taking it easy OR should I dedicate myself to trading

    full-time (which is what I am doing now) so that I can retire early

    and all that...

    I think the options are mutually exclusive because I think trading

    well demands tremedous focus and commitment, that doesn't

    leave me a lot of time for other things in life...

    I just hope I am not going regret it when I am 50..

    missing out on the fun and all...
    #50     Jul 1, 2003