What will Obama "Change"? What particular "Hope" does he offer?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by achilles28, Aug 26, 2008.

  1. "Guess which sectors have the most govt subsidy?"

    Those with the best lobby groups? Those who have the most politicians in their back pockets? Defense contractors? Oil companies?

    ""who the hell is going to pay for this?"

    Same as will pay for Bush's deficits...future generations, the Chinese who buy our bonds, and with a little luck, greater tax revenue from those who have sheltered it behind corporate veils.

    #11     Aug 26, 2008
  2. Republican stratagem: when the facts don't support your case, resort to misrepresentation and outright lies.
    #12     Aug 26, 2008
  3. They are going to follow the plan until it stops working...and then they are still going to follow the plan.

    Old dog...no new tricks.

    #13     Aug 26, 2008

  4. Read Up on Carl Marx,Fidel Castro etc.. and you will get an idea of the playbook.
    #14     Aug 26, 2008
  5. Like under Clinton, when all of America was forced to work in camps and assets were seized.

    Also, Obama summons demons via a pentagram.
    #15     Aug 26, 2008

  6. In case you hadn't noticed, the democrats are not nominating clinton, they are nominating someone who's wife said:

    "Barack Obama will require you to work."

    And if you think obama's agenda is not about seizing assets, you must be inhaling the smoke in the convention center in denver.
    #16     Aug 26, 2008
  7. ""Barack Obama will require you to work. He is going to demand that you shed your cynicism. That you put down your divisions. That you come out of your isolation, that you move out of your comfort zone . . . Barack will never allow you to go back to your lives as usual - uninvolved, uninformed."

    I can imagine the horror as the Fox News viewers heard that.

    Fox News viewers are quite like a crack addict hearing they have to put down the crack pipe and get a job...

    #17     Aug 26, 2008
  8. I looked up the quote and found that it was in regards to working to build a better America, yada yada.

    Strangely, you seem almost phobic of honest debate.

    What assets do you think the Obama government will nationalize first?

    I'm not worried because I've already arranged to become a turncoat guard in the white enslavement camps. (Just a tip: don't touch the fences, they're electrified.)
    #18     Aug 26, 2008
  9. Obama elected President will be a historical event, which seems to be all the Dem party cares about. Other than that, it'll be business as usual for Dems. That was apparent with Ms. Obama's speech when she referred to the "things as they are" as opposed to "things as they should be".
    The left has always been preoccupied with things as they should be. So much so that they completely ignore the realities of the here and now. An Obama presidency means that inner city ghettos will remain the shit-holes that they are. Public education will remain a failed system. Health care costs will continue to break the backs of business and individuals. Our military will continue to be the cops of the world and slaughtered in the process. Worst of all our borders will remain a sieve and the mexican invasion will bankrupt our country. But we will have a dream of better things to come.
    #19     Aug 27, 2008
  10. You mean that they will remain as they have been under the Bush administration? That's quite an endorsement for the Republicans, eh? :p
    #20     Aug 27, 2008