What we will replace Iraq war with? (Keynesianism)

Discussion in 'Economics' started by crgarcia, Jan 12, 2009.

  1. Read on, burn8. I understand the whole allocation problem. I just assumed everyone in the world knows our tax system is screwed up and we spend our tax dollars poorly.
    #21     Jan 13, 2009
  2. If you're a trader/investor, I would take it very seriously. Step away from watching American Idol for awhile and take a look at whats on the horizon. America just elected a president, who has a marxist/socialist ideology, thanks to an uninformed dumbed-down public. I have never heard Obama once say anything good about Capitalism, even though that is what made this country great. He believes big government is great and needs to be even bigger.

    You're going to hear Obama use the word "fairness" alot over the next 4 years. Fairness is a marxist code word for Distribution of Income.
    #22     Jan 13, 2009
  3. piezoe


    Trout, are not we already seeing that the Obama rhetoric needed to get elected is being altered to the rhetoric needed to govern? It seems the jury is still out on Obama. Let's give him a couple years and then revisit this topic.
    #23     Jan 14, 2009
  4. Who knows who really pulls the strings of a US president. I just hope who ever does the pulling knows how to get us out of this mess we're in.
    #24     Jan 15, 2009