Guys, If you really want to known what trading is really about then go to and BUY the E-book. It's the same person from www.stta-consulting. com. This guy has a Phd in Maths and Physics, we understand each other very good ! :0)) Just ran into this website 2 days ago. Probably my most valuable post.... Here we go again......
And I don't get a % on the sales... By the way it's only 16.99,-$ , this book should open your eyes...
And a new record on the E-mini S&P volume 417 344 contracts today, Join the club stock traders ! Here you can short without an uptick and no market makers games or execution problems. I don't any real smart people trading stocks by the way....:0))))
Your most valuable post huh? Well, lets not get ahead of ourselves. Remember a couple of months ago when you recommended that website whose owner was being investigated by the SEC? Now I think THAT was your most "valuable" post.
Don't forget to mention that the book could teach anyone how to make millions. You have to pepper your descriptions with "what the experts won't show you," and "what the Specialists have been using for years." Maybe throw in a little contest, and then let people know that "you may already have won $100,000, click on this link to enter." The way you're selling that sporto, I hope this ain't your day job!
Whoea...! 435 034 contracts. We should see 70 % of total volume for the E-mini S&P just like now in the Nasdaq E-mini by the end of 2002 and then....:0)))