What the Great Reset Architects Don’t Want You To Understand About Economics

Discussion in 'Economics' started by Banjo, Oct 24, 2020.

  1. Banjo


  2. New ammo for my FB psychic attacks. ✌️
  3. easymon1


    beginner66 likes this.
  4. "At this point nation states will have re-asserted their true authority over the pirates of private finance controlling the Trans-Atlantic financial system like would-be gods of Olympus (unbounded perverted vices and all)."

    This guy's 5th grade grammar teacher would be appalled.
    Master Ehret, you get an F for that one.
  5. notagain


    If Biden wins Crypto goes to infinity
  6. piezoe


    A title right out of late night television advertising, such as the lead title in this thread, is a warning to the buying, or in this case the would be reader. This article is hopelessly off base. I don't have time to list, let alone discuss, all the mistakes made. I'll just mention one or two key errors.

    Sovereign issuers of their own fiat currency can by definition not default on debt. But they can devalue their currency to the point that the real interest on their debt is negative. What is important is the effective money supply* relative to a nations productivity. You don't see run away inflation in the U.S. because the large amount of outside money pumped into the economy during the pandemic is compensating for decreased velocity. In fact had the U.S. Congress not stepped up its spending, the risk would have been depression and deflation; not inflation. Once the economy begins to recover, the Central Bank should begin to remove money from the private sector economy as needed to hold inflation in check. There are matters that should concern U.S. law makers going forward but this threads title article has not correctly identified them. I don't know who will win the U.S. election, certainly Biden will win the popular vote by a wide margin. Who will win the Presidency is another matter entirely. If Trump wins, I expect a continuation of extraordinary low interest rates, a cheap dollar, and high equities market. If Biden wins, I would expect to see, over the next four years, slowly rising rates, a strengthening dollar, and a weaker equities market.
    *The effective supply takes velocity into account.
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2020