What stock are you buying/selling for Monday?

Discussion in 'Stocks' started by StockBagger, Apr 15, 2007.

  1. Just curious what stocks you guys are watching for a swing play starting on Monday.

    Let me know what stock and why.


    i buy PKI whit a stop buy at 25.5 my tp is 30.0
    rsi >50 macd>0 adx>30 vol surged on friday all my indicators are positives so?
    the name of the stock is Perkin Elmer it is on the NYSE
  3. Everything in the NAZ100 via shorting NQ. It's new moon.
  4. looking to buy CRAY on a pullback
  5. I bought puts on A last Friday. It shows an outside reversal day down on the daily.
  6. I know this is a penny stock
    and I do not have a position in it
    but I like the recent intraday moves of this amex $2.00 stock
    ONT ( daily range has been 10-25 cents recently )

  8. gabe


    i'd like to hear more of your thoughts on the KHK trade, i saw you mention it in the longshot thread but not sure why.

  9. Anything that depends on an airplane is a huge risk. These risks include bankruptcy and the stock flying to the pinksheets nearly worthless.

    The trick is to get these airplane stocks at the low. The problem is, however, when these stocks are at a low its really scary buying them. For example, JBLU at 9. In the case of Kittyhawk, they did file bankruptcy one time before.

    So with that said, I believe that KHK has hit a technical bottom at nearly 54 cents. If it does go lower, then that will be a break of the technical bottom. The good news is that when KHK hits these technical bottoms, you can double your money within 3-6 months. On the other hand, there is a certain amount of risk involved. The risk involved is definately high where you can lose all of your trading capital.

    I would not consider KHK a listed stock, but as an option that might expire worthless one day. The possibility exists to double your money, but the possibility also exists of the company expiring worthless.
  10. BTW, I also like HA and JBLU (I wouldnt buy until it gets back to 9-10) for the same reasons I like KHK.

    HA appears to be a buy right now and you could double your money in 6 months.

    I must reiterate the high risk involved. Before buying one share in these companies, you must know that any world event can send all of these companies into bankruptcy such as a terrorist attack. If the Iranians raise one little finger, then these airplane stocks will fly into the pinks. I can imagine both HA and JBLU declaring bankruptcy if the Iranians were to block the straits.
    #10     Apr 15, 2007