what should he do?

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by minimi, Jun 10, 2003.

  1. nkhoi


    wonder did Baron cried for help before he went off.
    #11     Jun 10, 2003
  2. relax

    #12     Jun 10, 2003
  3. Funster


    IMHO you will never get rid of your anger it is part of who you are.

    In any case you might find, like me, that the energy your anger gives you can actually be channelled to work positively.

    Many of my best days in terms of trading or other business start off with me flying off the handle. It wakes me up!

    I have seen head shrinks, but I still think they talk rubbish. They just want u to conform to "be a nice human being" and calm down.

    Well my answer to that is most if not all highly successful people have personality disorders of some sort.

    Bottom line it (for me anyway): you can be normal and nice, or successful and a bit weird/eccentric.

    Thats OK but you need some way to control yourself.

    To really dissapate MY anger I think of some past event in which it has caused embarrassment. You are then just training your anger to accept limits (just like the animal it is!).

    In my case I was extremely rude to my broker. They subsequently closed my account and returned my funds, even though there was plenty of money in there. (who said they were all greedy buggers!!!).

    The thought of this soon puts a limit on what my anger will do after that 10th loss in a row!

    Hope this is helpful.
    #13     Jun 11, 2003
  4. well said!

    i think "he" should work long and hard, and beat the odds and make it successful. dont give up, dont eber give up, and keep a picture or memory of them handy. when he starts to lose focus he should look at the memory of them and remind himself, and pick up and push forward. then one day when he gets enough money and power, they will have forgotten about him, but he didnt forget about them, no never. he will come back and crush them, crush them slowly. yes, quickly would be too good for them, much too good! he will crush them slowly, bleed them slowly, make them suffer like he did. then they will realize what they have done, the mistakes they have made, but it will be too late. yes too late!! then he will be avenged, and all will be right with the world!!
    #14     Jun 11, 2003
  5. prox


    shot gun
    #15     Jun 11, 2003
  6. Three points:

    1. Why so angry? There are rational things to be angry about and irrational. Rational anger can be channeled, irrational needs professional help if it interferes with daily living or puts you in danger or inappropriate situations. How do you tell the difference? Rational anger comes from something that actually affects you. Irrational is something that just annoys you, like baseball salaries.

    2. Anger is not necessarily the same thing as temper outbursts. The latter are childish indulgences. Some of the angriest people give little in the way of outward signs.

    3. Deal with it. An earlier poster had an excellent suggestion. Something can make you angry only if you allow it to. Turn it into something you don't care about. Is it really important or just something that rubs you the wrong way? If it's important and you can't make it go away, get away from it. I had noisy neighbors. Police were no help. I moved. End of problem.
    #16     Jun 11, 2003