What risk management mistakes did Victor Niederhoffer make to blow up a few times?

Discussion in 'Risk Management' started by helpme_please, Aug 8, 2015.

  1. EPrado


    This is one of your major flaws Surf. You think everyone who doesn't agree with you on this VN bs is jealous or struggling. Seriously man. You come across as a grade one a-hole with this stuff.
    #81     Aug 17, 2015
    samuel11 likes this.
  2. EPrado


    Yep. You beat me to it. He wonders why 95% of the people go for his jugular on here. I try and be civil with the guy but shit like this makes it real tough.
    #82     Aug 17, 2015
  3. EPrado


    How in god's name would you know they aren't profitable ? You mean if they buy September Dow futures and say they got out using December's price. You know....lying. To me that's pretty clear of what's going on.
    #83     Aug 17, 2015
  4. EPrado


    Ok Mr. Mind Reader. Give us an example.

    I just gave one.
    #84     Aug 17, 2015
  5. Out of 12,000 plus posts --- you are still harping on that mistake typo from years ago? Get real man

    It's not my purpose here to call anyone out. Many of the phonies have already been shamed and left the site with their tails between their legs. No need to poke these sad folks again.

    #85     Aug 17, 2015
  6. There's nothing to disagree on. VN has proven himself by his own long term performance despite his personal flaws that resulted in him blowing up. Not to mention the multiple great traders ( real people managing billions in combined capital) from his stable.

    #86     Aug 17, 2015
  7. EPrado


    Surf...it happened more than once.

    Again like I have mentioned before. I have done a gazillion futures trades. Sure ...made errors at times. But never bought one month and sold another claiming to close the trade out. Whatever dude. Talk about a phony.........
    #87     Aug 17, 2015
  8. EPrado


    Yes his long term performance is horrible. As bad as one can be. If anything his short term performance has been great at times. All you have to do is cherry pick.
    #88     Aug 17, 2015
  9. EPrado


    You use this personal flaws stuff as a crutch. I have known some great traders who had insane personal flaws. As you said.....get real man.
    #89     Aug 17, 2015
  10. EPrado


    I never asked you to name names. Just give an example of what they did.

    I'm sure you will duck this question like most of the other ones after you make a bold proclamation....
    #90     Aug 17, 2015