What really happened ....11 september

Discussion in 'Politics' started by NickBarings, Dec 5, 2006.

  1. Yeah, it must have been really tough picking them out from a manifest of less than 100 passengers.

    #21     Dec 5, 2006
  2. Now that was the most intelligent thing you said in the thread.
    #22     Dec 5, 2006
  3. does it really matter???
    #23     Dec 5, 2006
  4. HolyGrail,

    That you start questioning people's in-
    telligence says in fact more about who
    you are than anything else....

    Maybe start questioning the government

    The war in Irak was out of pure idealism;
    getting rid of bad boy Saddam and install

    Democracy or the illusion of a democracy ?
    #24     Dec 5, 2006
  5. I call'em as I see'em. Anyone who could possibly think we blew up our own buidings and killed almost 4000 of our own people all in the name of oil is a COMPLETE IDIOT. NUF SAID.
    #25     Dec 5, 2006
  6. Because you cannot be 100 % sure (only
    God can) you have no right to call
    me or anyone else a complete idiot...
    #26     Dec 5, 2006
  7. Thanks for informing me of my rights, but I think I already did, and I stand by my comments. Now go to bed before mommy gets upset.
    #27     Dec 5, 2006
  8. speaking of dumbasses look up operation northwoods... its on the record.

    then explain the bldgs falling at free fall speed. then explain wtc7 falling when it was not hit by a plane. then explain cheneys stand down order. then explain no debris of a jet in shankville. then explain why the 9/11 commission omitted wtc7 all together. then explain why fema just happened to arrive in nyc the night before for a fake terror drill of planes hitting the wtc's.

    then explain the pancake theory and why even the staunchest proponents have backed away from that fallacy.

    why did the owner of bldg 7 admit they demolished wtc7 on PBS frontline???

    oh yeah, and what about the magic passport... now that is a nice fantasy right there.

    explain a squib 30 to 40 floors below the initial collapse of the south tower.
    #28     Dec 5, 2006
  9. Sigh......


    #29     Dec 5, 2006
  10. All of you are wrong. The whole deal was pulled off by aliens from outer space. I found proof on the net, so you know it's credible.:D
    http://www.gallerize.com/039 9-11 AND THE ALIEN QUESTION.htm
    Read and then scroll down about 1/2 way if you get bored. You'll see pictures that provide PROOF of the aliens. Hysterical!
    #30     Dec 5, 2006