What other cell types aside from melanocytes cannot grow around excess H2O2?

Discussion in 'Health and Fitness' started by Error Correction Funder, Apr 10, 2018.

  1. This was covered a lot in the media. Bleaching from the inside was found a few years back. There is or was a topical cream under trials for this.

  2. I'm already experimenting with a common molecule. It turns out we had a cure before we knew the cause in 1962.

    I'm more interested in evidence of the extent that excess H2O2 and other radical types break down the rest of body.
  3. Baron

    Baron ET Founder

    I don't know about you guys, but if i could take a fairly safe medication and turn my grey hair back to brown, I'd do it tomorrow. I've been coloring my hair since I was in my 20's and I'm so over it.
  4. It looks like from the other two studies, it's not just DHT that causes hair loss either. Considering how much damage H2O2 does to just about every cell type except fibroblasts, I'd be willing to bet it and/or radicals/reactives are shutting down hair cells earlier than melanocytes but to the same extent and maybe even whatever cleans up DHT accumulation. There's also the claim that radicals cause 80% of skin damage.

    I'm 1 week into my experiment to react away facial radicals/reactives. There has been a response in my skin, but for only a 6% expected increase in melanocytes per week, I can't see any results in my beard greys yet. Maybe they're darker, but I couldn't be sure of a 6% change.

    If it works, I'll do it oral and pneumatic too.

    Radicals and reactives accumulate in the body over time but the ratio from baby to elderly is not that large. If that 25% per 4 weeks expectation can hold, maybe a full year of treatment could at least reverse this part of aging at the body lining. Since the lining is also excretory, maybe it could even be possible for the radicals and reactives to be transported from the body centers to the outside.

    First things first.

    I pinged you because you seem to post a lot of research, so I thought you may have seen what other cells are shut down by radicals and reactive species. Hydrogen peroxide cytotoxicity mostly gets a lot of cancer research.