What other careers are there?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by michael21, Jun 25, 2012.

  1. I don't see any point responding further to the OP. However, I'm not understanding you calling me a big talker. What have I said in this thread that can be construed as talking big? Furthermore, where have you been and what have you done that you are requesting me to do the same? Post on the P/L thread? Sorry, that's not a place that interests me. Besides, I don't know what posting a blotter for a particular day shows anyhow. Anyone can have a big day here and there.

    In any case, I take it by your post that you think you are a BSD (Big Swinging Dick) and you are calling me out. Care to make it interesting? Say a $5000 wager for who has had the biggest trading year ever, you and me? I would let the village idiot join us but he's claiming he is breakeven at best.

    If Baron is willing, he can act as arbiter and we both send documentary evidence and $5000 to his Paypal account and he will then disburse $10,000 to the winner. We agree that the evidence submitted must satisfy one from EACH category:

    A. Income verification. One of the following: A tax return with a cancelled check for the taxes paid; OR a tax bill from any tax agency with a cancelled check for taxes paid; OR a verifiable tax lien from any tax agency.

    B. Trading verification. Photocopies of trade blotters OR brokerage statements OR tax transmittals from a broker or brokers sufficient to show substantial trading activity for the year being submitted. The purpose of this category is to show that the income in category A is from trading and not another source.

    If $5000 is too piddly, I'm willing to go higher. But let's stay under $10,000 to keep it friendly. I'm also willing to go as low as $2500, if you want to wager less.

    Feel free to suggest modifications to the terms of the wager. I am flexible.

    So how about it?
    #51     Jun 26, 2012