What Obama's Socialism looks like

Discussion in 'Economics' started by monty21, Jun 4, 2009.

  1. Obama is doing an outstanding job.

    All the haters hate any black or liberal, women, gays or other minorities.

    Sit back and let the real people get on with the work of fixing the country that Supply Side clowns broke.

    Reagan is dead, GWB (and all the leading Congressional Reps were the logical? extreme of his policies.

    They wrecked the U.S., but we will be back without them now.
    #11     Jun 5, 2009
  2. People have this crazy idea that socialism means that corporations will be directly taken over by the American government. This is not the primary format of government socialism that is infiltrating our economic system. It does not take a genius to see that it is indirect government control that is the primary objective of Obama.

    A socialist example is the take over of the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac housing giants that now have 85 billion of government control in them. Add up the sheer size of these two institutions owning or guaranteeing roughly $6 trillion worth of the mortgage market. This produces a direct socialist control of the housing industry in America.

    Soon Obama will build a socialist indirect control over American health care. They will extend the entitlements of Medicare and Medicaid to all Americans and indirectly regulate health insurance, drugs, medical facilities, HMOs and any other businesses related to health. This will make these privately owned companies nothing more than regulated communes.
    #12     Jun 5, 2009
  3. That's great they have been raping the U.S. consumer for far too long.
    #13     Jun 5, 2009
  4. What an absurd statement. By your logic, anyone who hates George Bush (and I'm willing to bet you do), hates all white people. Get a grip.
    #14     Jun 5, 2009
  5. moarla


    #15     Jun 5, 2009
  6. Not exactly. All stupid, arrogant [insert color of choice] people.
    #16     Jun 5, 2009
  7. Obama will build his health care system like Sweden. It is hard to argue that Sweden’s all-encompassing health care hasn’t benefited the average Swede in some ways: infant mortality is low (3.9 deaths per 1,000 live births) and life expectancy high (79.08 years). Paid parental leave is available to all Swedes, female and male.

    Yet many Swedes complain that their health care system is a bureaucratic nightmare, with long waits for doctors’ appointments and even surgeries, and little choice for patients when it comes to things like choice of doctor. That is what it will soon be like here. It will be a complete reverse of our current efficient system.
    #17     Jun 5, 2009
  8. pspr


    From the comments in this thread, it's easy to tell which posters have lived responsible lives and earned their own way, and those who have been on the government dole or would like to be.
    #18     Jun 5, 2009
  9. Listen guys,

    All I am trying to say is that there are few differences between the Republicans and Democrats. People try to divide them like they are totally different, but ideologically they are the same.

    BUSH started with FNM, FRE... Bush supported TARP... Bush extended the budget deficits... Bush initiated all kinds of government programs (no-child left behind)... Unfortunately Fox News will never claim that there were any socialist values in the Bush administration.

    And now it's Obama's turn to expand the federal government.

    Conservatism, particularly financial conservatism, is gone.
    #19     Jun 5, 2009
  10. The job of government is to keep government in business. This is why all governments have collapsed through out history – from their own weight. This is not about Republicans and Democrats. Obama is just at the right time in history when America is collapsing under its bureaucratic style and the weight of enormous consumption by its citizens. This is not a condemnation of Obama or Bush. It is about the system our children and grand children must exist under that will not longer be the business led economic system. American government in the future will dominate the GDP and all other business will be secondary players. That is the major change that others started and Obama is greatly expanding and directing.
    #20     Jun 5, 2009