What makes day trading a resume killer?

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by collaredshirts, Jun 22, 2007.

  1. maxpi


    Just "self employed" will get your resume tossed in a lot of cases. Employers know that people that had businesses are not going to buy into every bullshit line that comes out of the personell office's care and feeding of employees handbook, nor will they like working for the corporate idiots and accepting such a small piece of the pie.
    #11     Jun 22, 2007
  2. Because the Recruitment Personnel know that if you were a trader, and is looking for a job now, then that obvioulsy you didn't succeed. You have a "failed LOSER" written all over you.

    It is not like, I was a Credit Analyst and now want to do something else.. but, I was a day trader and now I want to go back to work.... just not the same thing.

    So my advice to traders... Don't be a loser. Work hard to make money.
    #12     Jun 22, 2007
  3. rosy2


    in over 10 years I have never met a profitable independent electronic day trader. where are these masters?
    #13     Jun 22, 2007
  4. ess1096


    #14     Jun 22, 2007
  5. The reason that daytraders may be considered crazy, is that most people are risk adverse. So, they think, "Why would anyone risk losing money every day, if they could just go to work and collect a check." However, many would like to daytrade successfully, so they may resent a failed daytrader, because the failed daytrader across the table from them only confirms their worst fears.

    Daytrading is attractive, because it's the "easiest" business, in this respect: In no other business can you buy something and sell it for a higher price without adding value to it!
    #15     Jun 22, 2007
  6. obviously not at your WORK place... :D

    But we're around... I assure you.
    #16     Jun 22, 2007
  7. so how does ur local walmart add value?
    #17     Jun 22, 2007
  8. ess1096


    Every retail store does this. They take the product from the truck and put it on the shelf where it sells for a higher price than the retailer paid for it. The retailer didn't add an iota of value.
    #18     Jun 22, 2007
  9. Surdo


    You are apparently not looking in the right places sweetie.

    el surdo
    #19     Jun 22, 2007
  10. rosy2


    i WORK at a trading firm, but we dont have day traders. i am very curious to see what you do.
    #20     Jun 22, 2007