what kind of life would you prefer?

Discussion in 'Professional Trading' started by trend2009, May 26, 2011.

  1. gnode


    I wouldn't even tell my friends and family. I wouldn't want them to try to borrow money or mooch or guilt trip me in some way.

    Many of my friends are democrat types who don't have a clue about money. Other than my Lexus, they have no idea my net worth grows faster than their paycheck. They mostly just assume it was a big waste of money and probably a lease (my only luxury, and I bought it used with 24k miles on it on dec 31 2009). Not super rich yet, but on track to being a millionaire by 35-38.

    When they bitch about "speculators" (they don't even know what that really is) and about how they create all the high commodity prices, bubbles, cause recessions, etc and that they should basically be outlawed and take all their money............. I try not to wink at them. Just change the subject... good luck teaching them.

    So back to the original question - I would basically keep it a secret, even from my children when I have some. I would want them to grow up believing that they need to put effort into what they do and be an independent person. I will pay for their college but buy them some shitty used car.

    I will definitely talk money with them to educate them, but maybe just take off a zero or two (or 3?) when telling them where I am when they are old enough.

    I definitely want to get their mind thinking as an investor. Maybe even as a lower risk one than I since I hope to leave them a sizable sum when I die.

    So, uh, anonymous. But take good vacations. Maybe even spend summers abroad or something.
    #21     May 27, 2011
  2. TraDaToR


    Don't worry. You won't have this problem anyway.

    Showing your money when you are a speculator lately? Get a clue.
    #22     May 27, 2011
  3. rich and anonymous:cool:
    #23     May 27, 2011
  4. RL8093


    Strongly disagree. Your response is predicated on the fact that other people's knowledge of information about my life (income, wealth, assets, lifestyle, etc) somehow correlates with the amount of enjoyment that I have. For me, nothing could be further from the truth.

    The knowledge someone else possesses (whether about me or anything else) is irrelevant to my personal level of satisfaction. The exception to this is where somone's knowledge about me has the potential to affect my security (target of theft, ransom, etc.) or the ability to lead my life (paparazzi, personal interactions impacted due to perceptions, etc.). Then, of course, the correlation is negative.

    I have never found the perception of others to be a relevant factor in my decision-making process. Typically, when I have considered it, the end result has been less than optimal.

    #24     May 27, 2011
  5. Definitely avoid celebrity. I would pay 50% of my net worth to avoid any form of publicity for life, if it could be guaranteed.
    #25     May 27, 2011
  6. By that standard, how exciting is your life right now?
    #26     May 27, 2011
  7. Think of it this way. What does 'fame' (for being rich) get you?

    Lots of sex - with gold-diggers and social climbers, trying to get knocked up so they can sue your ass for 100k a year child support
    Celebrity - paparazzi harassment, everyone you sleep with dishing the dirt on your love life, nuisance lawsuits
    Public interest - from ransom gangs, kidnappers, blackmailers and extortionists
    Wealth - you have it already
    Acclaim from peers - your broker starts reverse-engineering your trading strategy

    Sounds like a great deal, where do I sign up??? :D
    #27     May 27, 2011
  8. So it looks like the great majority here prefer rich and anonymous.
    #28     May 27, 2011
  9. tortoise


    So why have they chosen to be "broke and ignored"?
    #29     May 27, 2011
  10. Broke wasn't a choice, it was either rich and anonymous or rich and known (celebrity).

    #30     May 27, 2011