What is your most profitable trading strategy?

Discussion in 'Strategy Building' started by Trader_NY, Aug 5, 2021.

  1. My most profitable trading strategy is scalping, in fact, scalping is my only trading strategy.

    What is your most profitable trading strategy? Thank you so much for sharing!
  2. Nobert


    Used to be - buy low sell high, but recently it became - buy low and watch it going very very low.

    Lol. Some members called each other lowlifes. Maybe this is how the term was born.
    countryBoy641 and TradersRUs like this.
  3. maxinger


    your request is too vague / too broad to have a meaningful discussion.

    go google for the answer and you will get strange / foolish answers.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2021
    Onra likes this.
  4. deaddog


    What I refer to as my Will Rogers Strategy. "Don't gamble with your money, just buy some good stocks and when they go up sell them. If they don't go up, don't buy them."

    I just added; If they go down sell them!
  5. Buying weekly OTM calls on GOOGL, AMZN, QQQ, SPY and holding for less than 5 days.
    Axon likes this.
  6. Overnight


    My instinct says 5 days is not enough going into this end-of-summer period. Why not 3-month calls? Are they more expensive?
  7. OMG me too, we have so much in common!!
  8. Long indexes all day
    shatteredx likes this.
  9. easymon1


    What timeframe charts do you like to trade?
    What typical hold times would you say include 75% of your profitable trades?
  10. themickey


    Constantly calling tops and shorting a bull market....
    #10     Aug 6, 2021
    KCalhoun likes this.