What is wrong with Muslims??

Discussion in 'Politics' started by TorontoTrader2, Dec 28, 2009.

  1. most of this crap is in american people's (including your) head, american people are bitch attitude drama queens, you fill your emptiness by creating drama, like a spoiled teenage girl, you provoke anger and you breed hatred, then you accuse people of aggression, what the fuck are western journalists doing in other countries that don't want them, what the fuck is western media doing broadcasting it's fucked up psychotic media on their land, those people don't want their kids and their women to see some gay western fag's cock on their tv, why can't you fucking understand that?!, there is no such thing as western freedom, it's so nonexistent, going out and calling your classmate, names, or mooning him, one who doesn't give a fuck if you exist or not is provoking anger and hatred, to your mentally ill mind's surprise it is not freedom of speech (just get over the fact that he doesn't want to care if you exist or not, that he doesn't want to see your nasty crappy butthole, that you are not the special unique crap you have been thought to be by your schools and media), freedom of speech is to call your fucking teacher who is molesting you for what (s)he is, western gov just raped it's people and their future into endless poverty, yet you americans were quiet as shit, but no, the mentally sick nigerian guy is more important, really?!, which has the greatest effect on your lives?, planes crash randomly on a weekly basis, and the world is the same, but trillions here trillions there, print here print there, and I want to see where you and your kids are in the next 10 years, you know you're going down, you know your economy is deteriorating at unprecedented rates, and you are struggling so fucking hard to get out of this quicksand but to no avail, that is why you are so fucking mad, you're burning from inside bitch


    if western women want to fuck their men in the ass with strap-ons, just because they assume they are equal or superior, that's their and their fag ass pathetically worthless men's problem, but they have no fucking right trying to insert the fucked up shit that runs in their minds (it's not really a mind it's a toilet, that has been shit into by all kinds of pigs) into our women's minds, and if they do, don't tell me they don't deserve to be fucked by a jackass so fucking hard in the ass that the shit in their intestine starts oozing out of their shitty mouth and noses


    here is a good example of what westerners are, and how they love to provoke anger and drama, make such a big deal out of whales being killed, they get on a ship and go into waters that are not theirs, but because of their endless stupidity assume are theirs:



    and to top it off western people are not as smart as they assume they are, for instance you and your gov knows that the US health care system is as shit as trash, third world countries have better systems, the gov is trying so fucking hard to solve this issue, but they can't and they won't be able to, that just goes to show how stupid you are


    your system is crap, the incarceration rate in america and the rape rate in prisons which is purposefully ignored, is the highest in the world, and you give yourselves the right to talk about human rights, shut up and get over the fact that you suck at everything, that you are nothing but a constantly angry war machine, period
    #11     Dec 28, 2009
  2. oh yes of coarse, and if so, you talk as if you do anything for free, it just means you got paid to do so, fucking whores

    haha, what a stupid gay ass joke, as if it's gonna happen

    and we have no interest in you idiots trying to americanize us and act as if you are doing us a favor and that we owe you something for it, because this is what americanization is;



    americans have no dignity and no self-respect, they are self hating entities, and because this self hatred puts them in constant pain, they feel like they have to force their pain onto to the rest of the world
    #12     Dec 28, 2009
  3. Can the average American Muslim be trusted?
    Posted by John Caile on Friday, December 11, 2009

    I was not surprised to discover that 5 Muslim-Americans were arrested in Pakistan, apparently having gone there to engage in terrorism. Here in Minnesota, there is an ongoing investigation into the recruitment of Somali Muslims to become jihadists. What is most impressive in the Pakistani case is that one of the parents of the would be terrorists had the integrity, not to mention the courage, to notify American authorities.

    This is unusual in the Muslim world, where allegiance to their religion supersedes their duty to their country. An explanation for this phenomenon may be found in the response by a Saudi Muslim to the following question:

    Can a good Muslim be a good American?

    He replied:
    • Theologically - No. Because his allegiance is to Allah.
    • Religiously - No. Because no other religion is accepted by his Allah except Islam.
    • Scripturally - No. Because his allegiance is to the five pillars of Islam and the Quran (Koran).
    • Geographically - No. Because his allegiance is to Mecca, to which he turns in prayer five times a day.
    • Socially - No. Because his allegiance to Islam forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews.
    • Politically - No. Because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual leaders) rather than the state - and it is the mullahs who teach Annihilation of Israel and Destruction of America, the great Satan.
    • Domestically - No. Because he is instructed to marry four women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him.
    • Intellectually - No. Because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.
    • Philosophically - No. Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran do not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist. Virtually every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.
    • Spiritually - No. Because when we declare "one nation under God," the Christian's God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as a heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in the Quran's 99 "excellent names" for Allah
    I hope for our sake that he is wrong, and that the actions of the parents in the current case will become the rule, rather than the exception.

    But I doubt it.
    #13     Dec 28, 2009
  4. so don't let them come into your country, and don't take your shitty ass into theirs, so you can stop whining like a teenage bitch

    just don't give them a fucking visa, how hard is that bitch, and stop the moaning and crying fag asses
    #14     Dec 28, 2009
  5. "An explanation for this phenomenon may be found in the response by a Saudi Muslim."

    Now you are quoting an unnamed Saudi Muslim, you know, Saudi Arabia where the 9/11 terrorists came from...

    Clearly this Saudi Muslim is just another whack job extremist thinker projecting his values onto good American...

    Almost as bad as Americans projecting their values onto Middle East Muslims...

    #15     Dec 28, 2009
  6. I guess you weren't smart enough to read who was doing the bitching. Oh well.
    #16     Dec 28, 2009
  7. if you guys hate them and their ideas (beliefs, whatever the fuck you want to call it) and if they hate you and your gay asses and your nonexistent freedoms, just end all fucking ties
    #17     Dec 28, 2009
  8. no you're smart faghag, I'm bitching about your bitching moron, when I see americans running around the world bitching 24/7 like little whores, it's only fair to bitch like them
    #18     Dec 28, 2009
  9. Simmer down son...

    I dislike extremist thinking, and so far that is exactly what you are showing...

    #19     Dec 28, 2009
  10. you think you can make idiots understand, even the simplest of things, be my guest,
    but you might want to take into consideration the fact that their governments, schools and media have been constantly working on their minds for decades and continue to do so, what do you think your chances of helping a mind that has been molded hard into a specific form are?
    #20     Dec 28, 2009