What is the word for this?

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by MarketMasher, Aug 27, 2010.

  1. The trick is, you have to be smart enough to fake the demand and take the fees and bonuses while crushing the shareholders,
    but even smarter to appear stupid about it so you can slink away afterward and keep the loot.

    Of course, nobody really believes that they didn't know, but you have to keep up appearances.
    #11     Aug 29, 2010
  2. Wall St fraudsters and Washington politicians are some of the best ACTORS the country has. The dumb American public just keeps buying their shit.
    #12     Aug 29, 2010
  3. What is the word for this?

    1.) End times scenario
    2.) Apocalypse
    3.) Armeggedon
    4.) Book of Revelations type stuff.

    Take your pick!

    #13     Aug 29, 2010
  4. Do you seriously think anyone believes them? No way.

    The difference is the process that is supposed to protect the public is subverted.

    Even some judges can't stand the stink anymore.


    "A federal judge refused on Monday to accept a $75 million settlement between the Securities and Exchange Commission and Citigroup, marking the second time this year that a judge has questioned whether the agency had exacted the proper sanction from a major bank. "

    Yes - everybody knows what they did....and how they are trying to make their getaway (with help).
    #14     Aug 29, 2010
  5. I absolutely agree! The people know what is going on...they just don't have the power to stop it.

    This is usually the sign of the end of a civilization (the widespread corruption). The Roman Empire fell because people started not paying taxes...because they saw that the system was so corrupt. The "taxpayers" were sick of seeing the food and entertainment welfare lifestyle that their taxes were paying for...doesn't sound far from where we are...

    Some people think I am either crazy or joking with my post above. I am not! When the US falls...watch out! The whole world is going down when the US goes down. Some people think America will just fade away like the Russians did at the fall of the USSR. I don't see that happening...just try to keep the dumb thugs away from an iPod or iPad...riots and looting...how much more so when the shortage will be in food!

    #15     Aug 29, 2010
  6. Cheese


    Which is it for each one? Does calmer suit ya or kama sutra?

    And so in life, you will find those forecasting or believing in doom or downfall (of the US or things in general) are usually, inevitably talking about themselves - where they are now and their prospects. They project their prospects into a general or global view. They see in their lack of big success that they also want to see, in company with themselves, the decline or demise of much else or everything else.

    Wars and setbacks are minor cul de sacs in the scheme of things. The only thing that is most prominent is that the advance of prosperity and knowledge leads in the evolution of humankind and civilization.
    #16     Aug 29, 2010