What is the Strategy Called...

Discussion in 'Options' started by probe1957, Aug 5, 2014.

  1. ...when one sells a call spread and sells a put (not put spread).
  2. balls of steel?
  3. jamesbp


    Synthetically it's just a Long Put Ladder or Christmas Tree ...
  4. convexx



    Long synthetic put at z
    Short synthetic put at y
    Short put at x

    A ladder or xmas tree. Or a condor w/o the wing.
  5. scr12


    I think it is also referred as Jade lizard at Tastytrade
  6. FXforex


    Lets come up with our own name to use on ET, how about Ebola Desert?

    I was thinking of entering an AAPL Iron Condor sometime this week but due to market conditions I think an Ebola Desert would produce better results. AAPL Iron Condor or AAPL Ebola Desert, what do you guys think?

    Last edited: Aug 13, 2014
  7. Thanks kids.
  8. Following up after some research, I don't think any of these answers are correct, other than the Jade Lizard one. Surely Sosnoff didn't come up with a unique trading strategy that doesn't have a name, did he?

    Again, sell a call spread and sell a put.

    ETA: I think Jade Lizard is a term Sosnoff et al coined for the strategy.
  9. convexx


    A call credit vert is equivalent to a bear debit vert (box arb, exclude carry). So it's been explained correctly by jamesbp before I got involved in this thread.. Long put spread with an OTM short put. I wouldn't expect Sosnoff to know that it's simply a ladder/xmas tree.
  10. jamesbp


    Sossy just makes up names for already well established strategies so that his TastyTrade lemmings can't do their own research ...

    Pathetic really ....
    #10     Aug 6, 2014