What is the deal about Sorcery, Witchcraft and all these Shour/Shir things?

Discussion in 'Religion and Spirituality' started by smallStops, Feb 7, 2017.

  1. I have noticed when we refer to Religion, we only refer to the aspect everybody is kind of comfortable talking about.
    However, as I have been finding out more about "Spirituality", there is one subject that few talk about, but is actually unavoidable - aka Sorcery, Witchcraft, Shour/Shir. Should we take these subjects seriously?
    lawrence-lugar likes this.
  2. Piptaker


    Without a doubt these subjects should be taken seriously and the real meanings of the words understood as they are often hidden and misrepresented (occulted). The word 'occult' for a start is derived from the latin adjective 'occultus' which means 'hidden from sight' . Secret groups have been meeting for decades like the freemason's who's members have often been high level government, thinkers and business. Higher level freemason's are initiated to this occult knowledge or as often referred to as 'Esoteric' knowledge. The Subject is deep and vast, I've studied some subjects which to mention just a few include sciences, psychology,the nature of consciousness and how our realities are built through our senses etc

    Don't know much about witchcraft and shour/shir but the correct definition of sorcery that has been occulted is - The science and art of influencing change to occur in accordance to the will.

    So in fact a sorcerer's goal is to create opposition and conflict, use manipulation and illusion to benefit themselves or to serve their interests by playing people off each other,getting people to believe in something that isn't real, creating disharmony and suffering between each other and getting people to hold an attachment to it.
    See how if you had say knowledge of how the mind works you could use that to manipulate people and do you see any comparisons on what's going on in the world especially the US and Europe?
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2017
    smallStops likes this.
  3. Nereto


  4. Why that?
  5. Good1


    I would generally agree with the definition of sorcery here, but would include the god-of-this-world as chief sorcerer. Yes, the god that makes the birds, bees and trees...is involved in just the sorts of things you describe. Yes, it's the art of influencing change, to impose a will other than the Will of Good, so-to-speak.

    People take this world, a world of people, for granted...as if granted by Good.

    People think this world is the Will of Good.

    No, i say. It is more like the will of a sorcerer.

    As for witch-craft, it is pretty much the same thing.

    For simplicity sake, i define witch-craft as SWITCH-CRAFT. Notice the pun on words.

    Witches generally CHANGE the meaning of everything that is GOOD, and switch it around...like a pun on words.

    That which makes a world of planets, plants and people, is basically involved in switching around reality for unreality...and then calling the unreality a "reality".

    When a witch is done, you won't know up from down, black from white, light from dark, and most importantly, you won't know good from evil.

    Basically, everything in a "physical" world is magic.

    Eating an apple: magic.

    It's all meta-physical phenomenon. That is, it all exists in mind, and from there, through faith, manifests into "physical" "reality".

    But nothing is ever really manifested. It still only exists in mind, as a concept.

    It only reaches physical proportions when the INTENTION of the witch reaches fanatical levels of FAITH.

    It's ALL magic.
    lawrence-lugar likes this.
  6. It is interesting that sorcery is attached to manipulation, and in a certain way controlling others and things.
    Then one talks about "secret societies" that use "hidden knowledge" ( including psychology).

    One thing I wonder: does sorcery, witchcraft work?
    Why is it, it is usually said that the richest people in the world are quasi ALL in the "occult"?
  7. Piptaker


    I don't think it's the witch craft that works and sorcery doesn't mean in how I defined it some supernatural force being used etc I don't believe people have the power to magically make things happen but the fact that occultist's strongly believe in and understand natural law, human mind,the role of humanity and how the universe operates. Like I said the subject is wide and varied and it's a tapestry of information to put together.
    Bad people (dark occultists) have hijacked these concepts (and governments) and are using this esoteric knowledge (specialized knowledge only a few may understand) against the people because they think the people are currently simply idiots and they are. They believe for example as a natural law concept and an example of what I mean by sorcery, if they as a group all have the same goals are thinking and acting to create the same outcome,the more defined the better then this becomes an extremely powerful force in the universe. They believe there are laws in nature and the universe like there's laws in physics and chemistry. Notice how all the different governments of all the different countries in the EU were saying and operating exactly the same thing and way. They were all on exactly the same page working together for the same goals. Apply that concept to the citizens in the EU and the US and see how divided they are racially, politically, sex etc etc a divided citizenry have no power as a people they are then easily manipulated and controllable.
    Another example of sorcery is the corruption of natural law concepts of morality, truth and right and wrong behavior and yes the dark occultists are peddling this. According to natural law truth is objective and there is a definitive difference between right and wrong ,kids are not taught this anymore and notice how people now are literally confused, muddled and lost to what truth really is, all this fake news rubbish that's going on it's ridiculous and it's more dark occultist b.s truth is not your preference of news source it's either true or it isn't, it really isn't that difficult to understand but this is how they've got people and keep them in a state of ignorance.
  8. Good1


    There's a book out there, "Think and Grow Rich".

    There's even a video called "The Secret".

    Beyond that, the accumulation of wealth is probably more related to connections/network/family and aptitude/IQ.

    However, it's also been shown that given a bit of mind training, one can get a step ahead of games, even games like roulette, by visualizing the next number(s).

    In Think and Grow Rich, the author makes the interesting correlation between repeated autosuggestion and FAITH.

    Couple that with the biblical suggestion, in the occult book of Hebrews, that faith is the "substance of all things seen".

    It also suggests man is like man's maker...in it's "image".

    I suggest that man's maker used faith to make man.

    Likewise, man uses faith to make some circumstances seem to work.

    I'm saying, man's maker is a sorcerer, and men mimic the sorcerers process, daily, like breathing.

    That is, to some extent, everybody is already applying the principles in such books as Think And Grow Rich, and in the documentary The Secret.

    Does it work? Depends on what one's purpose/INTENT is.

    But given so many problems in the world, i would have to say it does not work.

    The main reason it does not work is a deep seeded tendency toward self-sabotage buried within the so-called "subconscious mind".

    The fact there is even a mind that is "subconscious", strong, perhaps stronger than anything any other mind is aware of...is problematic.

    As a rule of thumb, yes, it appears man can manipulate his environment.

    Notice, the influence is quite limited.

    Likewise, man's maker was able to manipulate what was reality, and make it's own reality, calling it, "the world".

    Even there, and especially there, the self-sabotage principle was at work, since, to change reality is basically an act of self-sabotage.

    The power to destroy oneself...the power to destroy reality...by changing it beyond recognition...is ultimately limited.

    What you see is what you get. What you see shows how effective sorcery can be.

    But try to change it even more, by more imposition of will...it's not so easy.

    I suggest the power to change reality has been SQUANDERED/DISSIPATED.

    I would borrow from the parable of the prodigal son which squandered his inherited wealth on things that don't matter.

    Still, given man's apparent ability to conjure up change, i still suggest that everything man thinks and does and experiences...is still well within the imagination of the original sorcerer, man's maker.

    It would seem that man breaks laws and is unpredictable. I really don't think so.

    It's still the manifestation of everything the original sorcerer ever conjured up, to impose it's will.
  9. Piptaker


    Interesting I think your taking also about laws of attraction and manifestation correct?
  10. Good1


    These are aspects of the phenomenon of faith, which is the essence of sorcery and witchcraft.

    First faith, then "attraction", then "manifestation": MAGICK.

    In a world of knowledge, ignorance is occult.

    In a world of ignorance, knowledge is occult.

    Since there is no room for faith in a world of knowledge, faith belongs to a world of ignorance.

    Likewise, attraction and manifestation belong to ignorance.

    So, I'm not so sure the "laws" of faith can ever be known.

    Jewish folklore (the official genesis narrative) makes knowledge anathema in a world of ignorance.

    It's clear that "Adam" exists in a world of ignorance, propelled, necessarily, by faith.

    To seek knowledge from within a world of faith would lead to a kind of "death", primarily the death of ignorance, and everything that depends on ignorance for its "existence"...which includes man...but also includes talking snakes.
    #10     Feb 11, 2017