What is the best C# form control to display a stream of text?

Discussion in 'Trading Software' started by bungrider, Nov 17, 2003.

  1. thanks.

    FWIW, i also found out that you can just call Console.Writeline() in any application...here's how to set the parameters for it. it's easy.

    (from help files):
    "Windows Forms and the Console Window
    Our first topic begins with a question.

    What is the difference between a Windows Forms project and a Console Application project?

    The somewhat surprising answer is not much. The only real difference is that a Console application sends output to a Console Window, and a Windows Form application doesn't. However, this is only the default behavior. There's no reason a Windows Forms application can't have a console window.

    Enabling the console window is easy. From Microsoft Visual Studio®, right-click on the project and choose Properties. Change the output type from Windows Application to Console Application. Or, from the command line, use /target:exe instead of /target:winexe.

    I've found this to be fairly useful when debugging my applications, and it's easy to turn off the console application when you're done. "
    #11     Nov 25, 2003