What is safe?

Discussion in 'Trading' started by MrDODGE, Mar 19, 2008.

  1. close your eyes and pick a stock - aig, seems good - and short the hell out of it. dont be so fixated on being long. if everythings getting killed, that'll work...
    #11     Mar 19, 2008
  2. I know I will get flamed for this, but if you want to outperform bonds with relatively low volatility I'd go with 3-4 good funds of hedge funds with long track records. Each fund of funds should be invested in something like 30-40 individual funds giving you a total exposure to ~100 single funds. Make sure there is little overlap in individual target fund allocation across the funds of funds. Thus each single fund risks around 1% of your investment.

    Make sure they're all well diversified across all major strategies without a big focus on any one single strategy. Over the intermediate term this historically outperforms 10y treasury bonds by at least 300-400 bps annualized with similar overall volatility.
    #12     Mar 19, 2008
  3. i think it was whoopi goldberg who said

    My broker keeps telling me to buy this company or that company. Buy oil, buy wheat. The only thing I know that keeps going up in price is pot. So, I want to be long weed.

    #13     Mar 19, 2008
  4. Ladies and Gentleman, another reason that I give you that ET is full of kids in their early 20's who have no fucking clue about anything in the markets.
    #14     Mar 19, 2008

  5. Um, excuse me, but i'm nowhere near my twenties. (although i vaguely remember them). As far as having a clue,


    A little levity in the face of impending disaster, you know???

    Lighten up jerk.
    #15     Mar 19, 2008
  6. This is why we are "ET", not the "ET Community". We could be the "ET Projects".

    Oddest of times, and nothing is safe. there is a confluence of events that are so odd, and they are coming together at all the same time.

    Subprime set it all off. The Germans finally get into Lichtenstien after years of trying. First Carousel, which went from 6mm in deposits to 60 billion gets shut down along w/exact pay, the ATM arm of that. There is much more I don't care to divulge, but I think everyone can see the handwriting on the wall.

    The last shoe to drop???? Had this conversation with a researcher tonight - PENSIONs. NJ hasn't made a contribution to theirs in 11 years. What happens is, the actuary sits there, the rest of government steals his money, and he needs more returns to meet retirement obligation. Know what Wall St. sold him? Structured Products - subprime assets.

    I'm now thinking we're beyond 1975. We're at 1932. This is were Don Bright has it all over the rest of us. I remember 75, but Don remembers 32 :D
    #16     Mar 19, 2008
  7. Bowgett


    #17     Mar 19, 2008
  8. mwerbe


    The chinese Renmimbi under your mattress if you can get some, seriously the only currency that gets revalued upwards fast to enough to combat inflation. Gold bars and canned food in a cabin in the woods with a shotgun works well as a backup see barton biggs latest book.
    #18     Mar 19, 2008
  9. My guess is as good as anyone else's - foreign govt securities.

    maybe some CAF for renmibi exposure but expect extreme volatility.

    I am not putting the metals down for the count yet. Not by a long shot.
    #19     Mar 19, 2008
  10. yup
    #20     Mar 19, 2008