What is Romneys angle with Paul Ryan?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Max E., Aug 11, 2012.

  1. Well, we wrote 8 or 9 ads for them to use. I'd say that's a lot for free. And they're a lot better ads than the pablum they are dishing up.
    #71     Aug 13, 2012
  2. I get why some of you guys see Ryan as a liability, shifting focus from obama's record to Ryan's plan, BUT I think that is necessary. Paul Ryan is a solid guy and I think a decent choice for VP. I have to agree with Mav that he understands the mess better than most in Congress, and he is about to be on record, nationally, giving people a dose of reality.. entitlement reform IS coming to the US. We can do nothing, or add to the problem like obama did, but the larger it grows the more like Greece we are going to become. And we don't have the EU to bail us out. And we can't print our way out without smashing the purchasing power of the dollar. For those of you who say otherwise, why don't we just print away the national debt RIGHT NOW? The obvious answer is once that money circulates it won't be worth shit.

    I felt that obamacare being overturned by the SC was the catalyst that Romney needed to win. It isn't over yet but barring some economic disaster obama will probably remain pres. I would rather have a ticket that is a 180 from obama, and is based on principles that I share, than a hyper pc say anything to get elected type campaign (McCain). Ryan, not Romney, establishes this for me and it is now a much more distinct option. We need more Paul Ryan's in power and in the spotlight, we need people who are trying to reform and restrain the fed govt. We do NOT NEED any more reps whose actions are impossible to differentiate from the other side.. the type of 'leaders' that paved the way for the anti-American scum presently running the place.

    This election is a problem anyway, if the reps win the Presidency they still need control of Congress to repeal obamacare, which can't help economic recovery, and takes full effect in 2014. Without the votes for repeal, I'm not sure they could do anything about the mandate which is just as much of an issue to me, as the financial instability of these programs.
    #72     Aug 13, 2012
  3. Maverick74


    Exactly. Ironically it will be Romney who sinks this ticket because he acts too much like Obama and is considered by many to be a soft liberal. This ticket would be stronger if there were two Ryans on it vs a Romney and a Ryan.

    I usually don't agree with the rhetoric of Ann Coulter but she says this over and over again. When republicans run like they are democrats, they always lose. Because the democrats are better at being democrats. So you might as well run on your principles.
    #73     Aug 13, 2012
  4. Ricter


    Well said. While the reps would often pay "the Ron Paul" price for sticking to their principles, the good news is that at times when economic circumstances warrant using their methods, they should be a shoo-in.
    #74     Aug 13, 2012
  5. lol he's responsible for universal health insurance in MA, that is pretty damn liberal. I don't really like Romney, but he is so much more accomplished than obama and because of his lib tendencies he should be able to swing some independents while Ryan will bring out the base.

    Running as a conservative and being one are two entirely different things however. Bush is a great example, the Patriot Act and DHS are not very conservative things, even though i didn't agree with either I gave him a pass because of 9/11, and because i know more now than I did then. that will never happen again. The bailout was unforgivable, it completely defied the principles he was elected on, and it made obama possible. I want the reps to move further right, the more the other side whines about it, the better. I want ONLY guys like Ron Paul and Paul Ryan in positions as lawmakers because it is clear to me that our federal govt is an animal it was designed to never be. They are some of the only people who see it that way, have the balls to say it, and hopefully do something about it.
    #75     Aug 13, 2012