What is NLP?

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by Gordon Gekko, Oct 16, 2003.

  1. My point is the fact that I would LOVE to learn new concepts and ideas for trading from people that are perfect in their own lives. The main problem I have though, is I have never been able to find anyone. So I must settle for taking the "imperfects" good ideas and concepts and put them into my life for my attempts to do that which is right. My opinion is that great ideas are a separate entity from the choice of a person to follow them.

    #71     Oct 19, 2003

  2. More than anything, NLP is a business. Yes, you may be able to derive some benefit from it. Evidently, many people already have. But you need to look at the integrity of the discipline before you draw any conclusions.

    Have a look at www.nlp.com and find out how you can attend and complete the Accelerated NLP Practitioner Certification® Training in about a week. Then you can attend a seminar on how to conduct seminars, and so on. Why am I reminded of Amway? Without meaning to, I already have 2 acquaintences who are "Master" NLPers. They are just waiting to take their show on the road at the first opportunity that presents itself. As it happens, I would not trust either of them to tell me the correct time, let alone how I should live my life.

    What is the draw? Lots of hype and no meaningful oversight body. There's that Amway thing again. No, NLP is not multi-level marketing. Not yet, anyway. Not that there is anything wrong with mult-level marketing or Amway. They make good soap. I just found their products to be expensive despite their protestations of "value."

    As an aside, in early 1992, I purchased the Tony Robbins "Personal Power" program of 20 or so cassettes. As someone mentioned in a earlier post, his method is based on, or is related to, NLP. It wasn't bad, but I found that he could have covered essentially all of the relevant material in possibly 2 cassette tapes. Of course, then it would be harder to exact a CDN$200 price tag. There's that hype thing again.

    As an alternative, may I suggest "The Feeling Good Handbook" by David Burns, M.D. It is not hype, costs about $25 and is considered to be the best book of its kind by mainstream mental health professionals. Dr. Burns is one of the foremost authorities on cognitive therapy. One possible downside is that, even if you like it, you will not be able to become a certified practitioner next week.


    #72     Oct 19, 2003
  3. You have no idea what you speak of. I heard Tony himself explain exactly what happened with his previous relationship.

    Moderators: why don't you remove this kind of drivel that has nothing to do with trading. You're certainly anxious to get rid of stuff, here's a prime candidate.
    #73     Oct 19, 2003
  4. I just love people like this, who have made no concerted effort or commitment to learning what something is about. To suggest Personal Power could be done in 2 cassesttes is ludicrous. Again, another individual who has no idea how deep this material is. Before you bash NLP certification, go do it. Live it. Understand. Then lets talk. You do a HUGE diservice to the genius of NLP principals and those who might stand to benefit, but get sidetracked by persons who talk like they're experts, yet no nothing of what they speak.
    #74     Oct 19, 2003
  5. This thread has turned into garbage about as fast as I expected. At one time the masses were convinced of witches, thought the world to be flat, "let" blood for therapuetic reasons, thought there was something called the ether, etc etc. More recently, there are those that still don't believe man has walked on the moon.

    There is only one reasonable explanation for ignorant people argueing the merrits of something they have no significant experience or education in: it's called fear. That really is too bad, for themselves and the people they bring under their umbrella of fear.
    #75     Oct 19, 2003
  6. Moderators: He must be talking about this kind of NLP drivel.:D

    #76     Oct 19, 2003
  7. kalinka


    Personally I don't invest in seminars,NLP or other therapies.
    I prefer to pay my educationcosts to the Master himself,
    namely the Market!
    #77     Oct 19, 2003

  8. The fact that you can become a "certified practitioner" in a week speaks for itself. Do you really think people should put their trust in someone who went to a one-week seminar at a resort? How much "depth" can you cover in a week? Perhaps we just have different standards.

    Bundlemaker, You seem to take exception to people who exercise critical thought. First you huff and then you puff. Perhaps you should practice what you preach and learn to relax. Take a few deep cleansing breaths and think happy thoughts. Really. No charge.
    #78     Oct 19, 2003
  9. jem


    Bundle- my office was in his office building. One of my friends worked for him. While I may not know what tony told you, I heard a lot more than you know. Was every thing I heard true. Perhaps not. But out of a sense of decorum and a desire not to engage in gossip I held a ton and I mean a ton back.

    Question did his girlfriends name change to Sage.

    Did he get divorced why he was promoting his ability to help you have great relationships.

    Simple questions.

    I left out the stuff that would really have caused you to have a heart attack.
    #79     Oct 19, 2003
  10. What a thoughtful post.

    The views I espouse are more narrow and do not include motivation nor persuading especially.

    My focus is the what , how and why for making money by trading.

    When people see the opportunity in trading, they usually embark from the point of right where they are standing.

    Your comments show how deeply involved this can be.

    At the inception of considering trading, people are least able in trems of knowledge, skills and experience. They use what they have at hand to begin.

    NLP as it relates to trading is where I focus, but I know full well any effort I make does affect other things besides making money in trading.

    To follow a path to expertise in trading which makes tons of money can be done with very few meanderings off the beaten path.

    The key thing is to make an exchange of pictures swapping as few as required. Secondly it is important to gain new pictures to round out a complete comprehensive set.

    How this is done for making money is not by motivation nor persuasion. It is primarily accomplished by adding provisional pictures and then using them to experience success as a consequence of their use.

    In embarking on making money it all must be done in a context. You have to adjust the situation and circumstances to be able to stay around for continually reinforcing successful experiences.

    This is why several of the more astute here see acquiring pictures as a process. It is. Tesla's biographer (The Science Editor of the NY tribune) presents as a theme of Tesla's life how he related to others with the pictures he gave them. Mostly as they became colleagues and as other interfaced with him in their acceptance of his very new orientation to so many scientific schemes. On his 100 anniversary Marconi's most famous patent was re-awarded to Tesla. I have enjoyed such collegial relationships in IAS type settings with people like Tesla but from a different era. One of my drivers gave me a copy of bio that had been given by the author to Tesla's closest female friend. She had marked it up completely and put clippings in it over the years. The reason he gave it to me was singular. Those I spent time with were as inspiring as they were famous (Fuller, Schumacher, Chavez, Lindbergh). To a man all had blackboards in their locations. Their ideas are wonderful but what is so deeply moving is the pictures created by processes. It is not unlike quotations of famous people. They are processing pictures for others to get and keep.

    For making money, the collegial focus is processing a person along a success path. It is a hand off of one person's pictures to another. The critical way to do it is more "why" than how. The sequence of the process is chosen to create beliefs for decision making. Old beliefs are replaced by new provisional ones. Why the order is done as it is, is because it builds and broadens success. Experts trade all market conditions and continually extract money. The path to that is through process where like minds exchange pictures. All the greats did this their entire lives with those they related to. Successful traders do the same with their pictures. It is just a small local thing as usual. NLP is done using connections among people.

    Any method of trading is easily learned. As they say it is not rocket science. With experience any approach becomes very efficient. To make all the improvements possible, a person spends a lot of time being sure of his orientation to the market. What this comes down to is knowing that he can handle what comes up. No worries just doing it. NLP pictures develop and mature into the set of beliefs required to handle what comes up. Why you get NLP pictures polished is to be fluid and seamless with the market. You "see" what is going on because you match your beliefs with the unfolding market continually.

    The process for getting a comprehensive complete set of pictures is a process of experiencing success throughout a level by level skills acquisition process while experiencing real time trading. That's how the greats brought along their younger colleagues. And it the same for us plain people who are successful traders helping out others on the path.

    Almost all memorable breakthrough events involve "getting it" with a picture.

    "don't fall down on the ice"

    Do you see no nonsense or nonsense; what a faux pas as a name. lol.
    #80     Oct 21, 2003