What is Insured Bank Deposit Sweep Program

Discussion in 'Retail Brokers' started by paglos, Nov 26, 2017.

  1. paglos


  2. arbitech


    also havr the same question
  3. truetype


    IB's site explains it in plain English, at the link given. What's unclear about it?

    By joining the Insured Bank Deposit Sweep Program, eligible IB clients can obtain up to $2,500,000 of FDIC insurance in addition to the existing $250,000 SIPC coverage for total coverage of $2,750,000. Clients continue earning the same competitive interest rates currently applied to cash held in IB accounts. IB sweeps each participating client's free credit balances daily to one or more banks, up to $246,500 per bank, allowing for the accrual of interest and keeping within the FDIC protected threshold. Cash balances above $2,750,000 remain subject to safeguarding under the SEC's Customer Protection Rule 15c3-3, backed by the firm's equity capital, which exceeds $6 billion.
    dealmaker likes this.
  4. What other brokers, besides IB, have this sweep program?
  5. paglos


  6. paglos


    I read it too. I had read "Mortgage backed securities" too and found them cool investment tools.
    I am asking any risk can be involved with it ? I am not a finance professional
  7. truetype


    The sweep reduces your risk. I guess there are the usual (overblown, ridiculous) IB "risks" discussed ad nauseum in other threads.
    These aren't all multi-bank sweeps like IB's program.