What is happening to men?

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by nitro, Apr 3, 2009.

  1. Stosh


    As we are moving into this new world of female power, I have a proposal that should finish the process and atone for the sins of the past when men comprised almost 100% of the police forces, swat teams, fire depts, and combat troops of America. I think the time has come for these jobs to go "100%" female....no males at all...!!!

    Improvements should show up right away in fewer police shootings, fewer abuse lawsuits, and less resentment by minority ethnic groups. I presume these politically correct groups would ditch those horrible firearms, tasers, and batons also. I hope we try this soon.....I'm sure Nancy Pelosi and Hillary would be on board. Stosh
    #41     Apr 5, 2009
  2. Why is the thread now blaming women? Nitro put the link on the thread, and he ask "What is happening to men?" The story in the link is saying the jobs (manufacture, construction, finance) all are male job, and now not so many of that jobs for men. So, why blame women? They are not taking the jobs from the man.
    I feel bad for the men with so much stress for them right now.
    #42     Apr 5, 2009
  3. suits me fine, thats the only thing i need them for anymore
    #43     Apr 5, 2009
  4. my son has studied in Germany b/f & is heading to Univ of Berlin in August. He says that in Germany, there are like 2 tracks for students - that a portion go into tech schools part way through and the academic types continue on for the rest of high school. I wasnt paying close attention but I remember thinking "thats like the Regional Occupation Centers they had for some kids when i was in High School." I have aclose friend who is a great carpenter, but he can barely read. He didnt need much schooling afterall.
    #44     Apr 5, 2009
  5. war was declared on white men in western countries probaly since the 70s
    #45     Apr 5, 2009
  6. Women.

    Basically the entire African American community is raised by Grandma.

    For the most part, the children of the white community are raised by women. Single moms, women who are divorced and remarry, the step father often is delegated to an insignificant role in child rearing. They're not his kids. His kids are being raised by their mother and someone else with no biological attachment.

    Most teachers are women. The media has branded men in such a way they are always a possible suspect of anything and everything, and traditional male jobs require "drug tests" and "criminal screening".

    Women have feelings of low self worth hence they place little or no expectations on men.

    The few male role models who might so "macho" who tells the young man "to suck it up and quit crying" the kid ends up in therapy, he never heard those words before. The kid has been conditioned to have an ice cream to make him feel better.

    Yesterdays yuppie buys a harley today, lmao, to feel like a man.The last bastion of self respect, of course this leads to an increase in middle age male deaths. Somebody do something. :D
    #46     Apr 5, 2009
  7. Specterx


    Garbage. Europe is socialist as hell and there's not much of a welfare state in Africa, which is more successful?
    #47     Apr 5, 2009
  8. Europe doesn't use socialism in its schools. France is brutal about competition and their grading system and academic system creates some serious geniuses.
    #48     Apr 5, 2009
  9. nitro


    As little as three months ago, I would have dismissed you as sexist and backward. Today, I am not so sure. You see, I have been reading on the biological sciences because frankly I am ignorant of much of the latest on this branch of knowledge.

    It turns out we can affect our children at the genetic level in all sorts of ways by the way we treat them. We knew this was true psychologically, but it is a big surprise to me that nurture can so directly affect nature, and in near "realtime" ! This is not done directly, but indirectly somehow through gene expression:


    I have to find the reference and will post it later, but in the study it was shown the boys genes would activate or not based on the amount of nurturing they got.

    Finally, I really doubt that the [non] emission of photons at the electromagnetic spectrum of the unsaturated color of pink


    makes any difference to the psychology of a boy. But now I leave room for doubt.

    "The essence of knowledge is, having it, to apply it; not having it, to confess your ignorance. " - Confucius
    #49     Apr 5, 2009
  10. Specterx


    I'm pretty confident that the unemployment disparity (if it even exists - is 1.5% outside the margin of error?) is due to the fact that women who lose their jobs are more likely to revert to being stay-at-home wives/moms, and these wouldn't show up as unemployed.

    As to the issues of the alleged "feminization" of our society and the gender disparity in college... I think the first doesn't describe any real phenomenon. On the second, my theory is that women are better at certain skills required for academic success. Men are more likely to say "hell with it" after high school and look for a job as a carpenter, plumber, pizza man or whatever. How many women do you see in these types of jobs? These days probably 95% of desk jobs require a BA, even low-level secretarial work, to say nothing of so-called "women's jobs" like nursing and teaching.
    #50     Apr 5, 2009