What is happening to men?

Discussion in 'Wall St. News' started by nitro, Apr 3, 2009.

  1. Rural, urban, southern, northern, western.

    It was a painful process, one that tries parents' souls.
    #21     Apr 3, 2009
  2. nitro


    I strongly disagree. I don't have a boy, but what I see is the EXACT opposite. Parents are raising boys to be boys as it should be. To me that means sports. You know what the difference is? Girls are being raised on much higher standards. My daughter's schedule is intense. Let me give you her activities:

    1) School.
    2) Homework
    3) Monday Piano lessons
    4) Tuesday free day from extra curricular activities
    5) Wednesday Circus camp/Actors gymnasium
    6) Thursday Piano lesson. Jewish school. [intense "history", and learning a completely different language, Hebrew]
    7) Friday Soccer practice
    8) Saturday Soccer game or free time
    9) Sunday Jewish school

    What I am getting at is that I think it is mostly parents fault for not raising boys to be better prepared for the world we live in today. It used to be you could try to be an athlete and if you failed, you could go and get a job in manufacturing or whatever. You better have a plan b from day one today. It is mostly our failure as parents as to why there are so many men in prison. We need to rethink our society.
    #22     Apr 5, 2009
  3. nitro


    I was watching a documentary on Metallica last night. Towards the end of the documentary, Metallica gives a concert at a penitentiary. James Hetfield goes on to tell the inmates that if it weren't for his music, he may well be in there with those guys, or dead. [hint - boys should be encouraged to play an instrument and maybe be in a band]

    I listen to Metallica music. The anger and ballads all strike a chord with me. Why do we fail boys [in this country] ?

    #23     Apr 5, 2009
  4. Nitro, it is not a raising children issue. In public school these days, there are special programs like "math for girls". Furthermore, the government structure really encourages girls and offers zero incentive for men.

    Let me put it this way: In the 80s and early 90s, in school, it was "cool" for boys to compete and try to do math problems as fast as possible in class. By the time I hit high school, doing math was not cool. There was no competition. Competition was shunned, and girls took over. Girls don't give two shits about fighting to be the best. They want to be happy in a smurf village of no competition and everyone gets B+s in every class.

    The more socialist school gets, the dumber guys get. Recall, even in Soviet Russia, they gave medals and much recognition to top performers and relied on in-school competition, not socialism. In the US, the socialism runs rampant and the men are becoming like those dejected monkeys you see in the zoo who have no interest in their caged life whatsoever.
    #24     Apr 5, 2009
  5. We fail boys in this nation because we feminize them.
    #25     Apr 5, 2009
  6. Neodude


    Not just the young boys... Ever wonder why pink shirts are in and all of a sudden there are skin care products for men?

    Either the lines between the sexes are being blurred or there is a gender reversal happening. There are two things we can do, either put a stop to it or adapt to the new environment.

    #26     Apr 5, 2009
  7. piezoe


    I add the following comment without taking a stand one way or the other, except to say it brings a smile to my face. This has been taped to my refrigerator for fifteen to twenty years. I can't give credit, as i no longer recall the source.

    "The new generation of men seem more interested in being compassionate and turning the other cheek. I say, America is now a nation of whimps [sic] , where men are no longer men and women are no longer women. The commies have overrun the media and infected every high school boy through a subtle feminine indoctrination at the high schools.

    Consider. Boys are not hunting and fishing, they are shopping at the mall. Men now have fashion magazines and supermodels in the runways showing other sissy men what they should be wearing this season. Young men are now being dressed by their girl friends: they wear hoop earrings and color their hair. They don't date, they hang in groups."

    #27     Apr 5, 2009
  8. That reminds me of the Brad Paisley song "I'm still a guy".

    #28     Apr 5, 2009
  9. Eight


    I wonder if the effect is more about masculinization of women or just making them power mad... One of the big reasons I got out of the corporate world was the stuff that various biatches did to me. One worked in personnel and chronically removed my education records from my files, she also made up stuff about me and got me in trouble. Once I got laid off from a job and a biatch there was telling prospective employers that I never worked there, I couldn't get a job until I figured that out and told the prospective employers to bypass her and talk to my previous immediate supervisor. I worked with some biatch that would come in first thing in the morning and scream at me, and order me around... I thought I was going to have to kill that one... they all made me work harder on trading and investments because I knew they were going to get me in some really big way eventually and I'd be in a soup line...
    #29     Apr 5, 2009
  10. ammo


    there was a study on rhesus monkeys(closest primate to humans) on pbs over 10 years ago,there was a large encaged compound where all the food and water were provided and the fence resticted any outside danger,the female momkeys sat with their newborns ,nursing and picking bugs off of each other and had the run of the camp, the males stayed in one corner and were only needed for their seeds and when the females didnt need that they were chased back to their corner, the male role of protecting, or finding food was supplied ,the women only needed them occassionallly
    #30     Apr 5, 2009