What If In America.........?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Pabst, Sep 23, 2006.

  1. Non responsive.

    Falls back to safe position, regurgitates fantasy toward other to maintain denial and security of vulnerable position.

    But of course....the need to categorize, to control, to place in a manageable position.

    RM, I am not the enemy, I only point out the one that lives inside your head...

    #21     Sep 24, 2006
  2. A string of coordinated attacks, across the country stretching from LA to New York, involving suicide bombers at major shopping malls, movie theaters, restaurants, and other densely packed public places, would be devastating to the American psyche. With all the focus being on NY and LA, there is a sense in the midwest and other places that they don't have to worry. Suicide bombings in, say, St. Louis, Kansas City, Des Moines, etc. would really do a lot for Al Qaeda in terms of ratcheting up the fear level.

    I always looked at it as the US undergoing what Israel has endured for decades with bombings at restaurants, movie theaters, night clubs, shopping centers, bus stops, etc. How would we react?

    That Al Qaeda hasn't done this yet indicates to me that they don't have the resources to do so or are planning something on a much, much larger scale. But I just don't understand why they wouldn't do it if they could. Low tech, no way to stop it, and it would bring the war home to middle America. If they had the resources they could do it while planning the next really big attack. If I were bin Laden that's what I'd do

    The above makes perfect sense to sensible people. Bin Laden is not sensible. I agree 100% that "A string of coordinated attacks"
    would bring our country to it's knees. Why haven't they done it? Lack of recources? I don't think so. They haven't done it because they don't want to bring America to it's knees. They want to put on a show, a really big show. The show serves their purpose. It keeps their dream alive. If they ever bought on such an attack, that our country was truely threatened on a large scale we would have no choice but to start laying waste to the entire mideast. I don't beleive that they are as hell bent on death as we are led to believe. Bin Laden wants what all power crazy madmen want.....an audience.
    #22     Sep 24, 2006
  3. I don't think bringing the US to its knees is their objective. If the US economy falters, then all the aid we provide to the mideast will dry up. In spite of being the big satan, I believe we provide more humanitarian aid to the starving including the mideast, than their arab brethren like the saudis. However, these are lunatics and they maynot think rationally. Coupled with kleptocrats running this country today, we have an explosive mix of lunatics and crooks.
    #23     Sep 24, 2006
  4. Cesko


    I do not minimize anything but, true enough, I do not care for Native Indians just like they don't care about me.
    The point was, anybody using cliches,overused phrases is basically a dogmatic person.

    P.S. You care about Native Indians as much as I do
    #24     Sep 24, 2006
  5. Guilty as charged....

    Indeed, I am dogmatic against ignorance and hatred and racism, most especially the type seen from the klannish right wingers here at ET....those such as your own miserable self.

    #25     Sep 24, 2006
  6. Stoic, maybe you're right, but it just doesn't match the rhetoric. Bin Laden and Co. have said over and over again that there is no difference between American civilians and our soldiers in uniform - everyone is fair game. A string of suicide bombings around our country would NOT lead to us laying waste to the middle east. For one, we would not have a country to target, as we did with Afghanistan. Who would we attack? In the meantime, the continued suicide attacks would have a crippling effect on our economy, and perhaps as Pabst envisioned, we would start having a debate about deporting or interning Muslims who reside here. I would think this would play into Al Qaeda's hands, Muslims being victimized, another example of the Crusades being fought in the modern era, blah blah blah.

    Again, it's low-tech, no way to stop it, extremely effective. If they had the resources (that is, enough suicide bombers who have managed to get into the US or home-grown converts) they could do these smaller attacks while continuing to plan and then execute another "big show."

    Just my point of view, of course. You may well be right that it's the audience they're after. But I must disagree with you about one thing - I think they DO want to bring America to its knees. I have no doubt at all about that.
    #26     Sep 24, 2006
  7. So Bin Laden wants to bring America to its knees.


    Tell me, how is that actually going to happen? Is this really possible? As we that weak that this could happen, terrorists could bring the US to its knees?

    By being afraid and letting the fear of terrorist attacks control us, rather than just allowing the government to do its job and not worry about it, the terrorists win.

    People continue to talk of defeating terrorism as a military process, when in fact the question needs to be asked, and answered:

    Why is terrorism such a problem that we have in many ways turned our society upside down, and often appear to be in a "Chinese Fire Drill."

    All along I have wished that we would marginalized Bin Laden by not responding with so much huff and puff, so much cowboy rhetoric...all of which feeding into exactly what he is looking for.

    Really, we often look like the elephant in the cartoons standing on a chair afraid of a mouse...

    #27     Sep 24, 2006
  8. Cesko


    Common man, I just got bored by your cliche post, that's all. It seems to me that anybody not agreeing with your "enlightened" opinions is a "klannish right winger".( Another catch phrase of yours.)
    #28     Sep 24, 2006
  9. 1. klannish

    1. of pertaining to or characteristic of a clan of right wing regressive Republicans.
    2. inclined to associate exclusively with the members of one's own group; cliquish: the clannish behavior of the original members of the country club, as currently exemplified by right wing regressive Republicans.
    3. imbued with or influenced by the sentiments, prejudices, or the like, of a clan of right wing regressive Republicans.

    The Rush Limbaugh dittoheads are klannish.
    tags repugnican repugican republitard dittohead republicanazi
    by Samuel L. Charles Berkeley, California Aug 24, 2006 email it


    #29     Sep 24, 2006
  10. RM, when are you going to learn? You of all people should know that it is best to just ignore the troll, as doing so drives it into a frenzy. It's fragile psyche simply cannot tolerate being ignored here as in its everyday life, and combined the damage to its psyche is piercing.

    Besides, we've heard every possible angle and variation of trolllogic from it over the years to the point that it is all so very, very boring - and predictable.

    Just for shits and giggles, you can throw it a crumb on occasion by responding to one of its inane posts. Doing so gives it a false sense of hope that you can no longer ignore it, and feeds its ego. Then you merely slam the door in its face again, which results in a rage characterized by apoplectic diatribes, usually en masse, designed to lure in new prey.

    Quite enjoyable to behold, really! Give it a try. :)
    #30     Sep 24, 2006