What If In America.........?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Pabst, Sep 23, 2006.

  1. Cesko


    This country has an ugly history of bigotry and racism, as well as the genoice of the Native Americans.

    What a worn out cliche statement. You know why this is such a stupid comment? Because you make it sound like this only applies to America.( By the way I am not saying it's not true.)

    Almost every country (especially the big ones) has "an ugly history" of bigotry,racism,nationalism, genocide or all of the above.

    Thanks ZZZzzzzz for original insightful post which I have never heard like million times before.

    P.S. I am really happy,though, that there are so many people(lefties) like you who care about others. Look everybody at ZZZzzzz's post I think he really truly cares.
    #11     Sep 24, 2006
  2. Pabst, the scenario you describe is what many, including myself, thought would happen post 9/11, but with the involvement of Al Qaeda.

    A string of coordinated attacks, across the country stretching from LA to New York, involving suicide bombers at major shopping malls, movie theaters, restaurants, and other densely packed public places, would be devastating to the American psyche. With all the focus being on NY and LA, there is a sense in the midwest and other places that they don't have to worry. Suicide bombings in, say, St. Louis, Kansas City, Des Moines, etc. would really do a lot for Al Qaeda in terms of ratcheting up the fear level.

    I always looked at it as the US undergoing what Israel has endured for decades with bombings at restaurants, movie theaters, night clubs, shopping centers, bus stops, etc. How would we react?

    That Al Qaeda hasn't done this yet indicates to me that they don't have the resources to do so or are planning something on a much, much larger scale. But I just don't understand why they wouldn't do it if they could. Low tech, no way to stop it, and it would bring the war home to middle America. If they had the resources they could do it while planning the next really big attack. If I were bin Laden that's what I'd do...

    As for the scenario you have described here, I just don't see it ever becoming a "fad" among the Muslim-American youth. We may see some instances of it, a la London, but I don't think it will ever become an epidemic. These kids are having too good a time, enjoying the American lifestyle, chasing poontang and buying the newest video consoles to become suicide bombers, especially en masse.
    #12     Sep 24, 2006

  3. IMO, the reason this course of action is unattractive to Bin Laden:

    Yes, such a tactic would terrorize the shit out of the American people, but Bin Laden is just too <b>grandiose</b> a villain to organize a two-bit suicide bombing at the Podunk, Iowa dunkin donuts shop.

    9/11 was a 'big score' for them, the scale was grand, and the achievement (as they see it) was monumental. They don't want the next attack to seem anti-climactic, a step backwards in comparison to 9/11.

    As someone who understands the thinking of grandiose individuals quite well (because I am one), this is similar to the reason why I can't ever 'go small' in my trading. Even when the market is dull, I'll either put on millions of dollars worth of positions, or (more likely) I'll stay flat- not trading at all. Putting on a few little 100 share positions to test the market? I'd probably make more money if I was able to do it... but I just can't.

    <b>The grandiose either go big, or don't go at all.</b>
    #13     Sep 24, 2006
  4. No hesitation, FDR was wrong to intern Japanese Americans. It was a knee jerk reactionary move, the type of thing that is supported by hacks like Michelle Malkin and the her klannish supporters....

    Since I don't advocate war, why would I support bombing of civillians?


    Sheesh, grow a brain man.

    Putzkie, the neo-Nazi...

    #14     Sep 24, 2006
  5. Your attempt to minimize America's ugly past, classic right wing technique.

    If it was wrong then, it would certainly be wrong now...

    Those who forget the past, doomed to repeat it, and watch Fox News 24/7...

    #15     Sep 24, 2006
  6. "As someone who understands the thinking of grandiose individuals quite well ......( because I am one )

    A grandiose, drug addicted, Russian teenage slut loving Jew.

    Now that will look great on the tombstone...

    I'd probably make more money if I was able to do it... but I just can't.

    You just can't?


    So who is in control of your mind, anyway? Some demon who says you must be grandiose? That you must be extreme, all or nothing in your thinking, that moderation and a life of balance is not worth living?

    Come on RM, you are supposed to be such a smart guy, yet you can't even control your own mind?

    IMO, the reason this course of action is unattractive to Bin Laden:

    Yes, such a tactic would terrorize the shit out of the American people, but Bin Laden is just too <b>grandiose</b> a villain to organize a two-bit suicide bombing at the Podunk, Iowa dunkin donuts shop.

    9/11 was a 'big score' for them, the scale was grand, and the achievement (as they see it) was monumental. They don't want the next attack to seem anti-climactic, a step backwards in comparison to 9/11.

    As someone who understands the thinking of grandiose individuals quite well (because I am one), this is similar to the reason why I can't ever 'go small' in my trading. Even when the market is dull, I'll either put on millions of dollars worth of positions, or I'll stay flat- not trading at all. Putting on a few little 100 share positions to test the market? I'd probably make more money if I was able to do it... but I just can't.

    <b>The grandiose either go big, or don't go at all.</b>
    #16     Sep 24, 2006
  7. Quote from nakatani:

    <i>A grandiose, drug addicted, Russian teenage slut loving <b>Jew</b>.</i>

    Since you <b>know</b> I have no religion, you must be attacking my <b>ethnicity</b>. There's a word for people who do that, you know?

    <i>You just can't?

    OK, I don't <i>want to</i>. Same difference.
    Trading small size is just annoying. It's a petty, no win situation.
    Even if the trades go well, it's unsatisfying, and I'm kicking myself for not going bigger.

    <i>Come on RM, you are supposed to be such a smart guy, yet you can't even control your own mind?</i>

    Only an idiot would believe that's some sort of paradox.
    Nikola Tesla, Howard Hughes, Francis Galton, Frank Lloyd Wright, John Nash... need I say more?
    #17     Sep 24, 2006
  8. lkh


    What If In America we were to use our power of influence,ie movies,books,talk shows,tv,and education system to stand up and say "all religion is noting more than superstition. there is no christian god and allah was nothing but a thug that killed in the name of god".
    What if we used our education system to educate young muslim men that there is no heaven where you will receive 72 virgins for blowing yourself up. What if we were able to educate young muslim men that when you are dead you are dead and thats the end. Would young muslim men in america soon decide to say "screw this i am not dying for a superstition, these mullahs can blow themselves up if they want to? Would this truth soon spread to the rest of the world?

    What if? Its an interesting idea but it will never happen. Why? Because american christians would not allow it. They would say "no way, there is a god and my god is the best and only god and it is our mandate to convert the world". So the ignorance,hatred and bloodshed continues just as it has for thousands of years.
    #18     Sep 24, 2006
  9. Odd that stating fact is somehow an attack in your estimation, as you have indicated previously you are a non religious Jew, i.e. meaning your are claiming to be of Jewish descent in some form or other than by practice of Judaism.

    Since when do you consider someone calling you a Jew, a true statement, a slur or an attack?

    Did I say something like "dirty greedy selfish neurotic lying Jew bastard?"

    What, are you not proud to be called a Jew? You have on on record talking about the greatness of the Jews, how important to society they are. Is there some shame for you in being called a Jew? Some embarrassment?


    I seed the grandiosity is in full bloom, lumping yourself with Nikola Tesla, Howard Hughes, Francis Galton, Frank Lloyd Wright, and John Nash.

    As far as small trades or large trades, I can imagine the adrenaline doesn't flow from small trades for you. Not knocking wanting to trade anyway someone wants to. Some people need extremes to feel alive.

    Generally the manic depressive grandiose type...

    They would "just die" to be thought of by others as ordinary, and common...and just a normal guy.

    All part of the "condition" eh?

    #19     Sep 24, 2006
  10. Here's something they should have taught you in troll school:

    Once your intended target <b>already knows</b> that you're nothing but a career troll, that would-be target can no longer be your prey. You'd be best served in searching for someone else to feed upon.


    A team of dedicated troll zoologists has spent the past five years observing the troll in its natural habitat. Here are their findings:

    <b>Trolling 101:</b>

    If you happen to play poker, understand that professional trolls utilize a very similar strategy: Tight-aggressive

    <b>Tight:</b> Don't give the victim an inch! Never admit the possibility of ever having been wrong. Never say anything which can be remotely useful or helpful to anyone. Never provide the prey with a single word he may wish to hear. Give nothing!

    <b>Aggressive:</b> Focus! Your goal is not conversation or debate, but the exact opposite- nihilism. Mercy is merely a handicap of the weak. You are a disease with only one goal in mind: <b>writing whatever it takes to piss off the victim.</b> Contradict yourself all the time, repeat the victim's words verbatim like a bratty child, take the high road and repeatedly request that the victim stay on topic, post in every single thread and then accuse the victim of 'stalking' when he shows up in one of them, make ridiculous statements- but do it assertively and repeatedly, but most importantly:

    <b>Laugh when nothing is funny!
    Laugh at the victim constantly, use smiley faces, and pretend to completely miss every single point he tries to make. Remember, looking like a complete idiot yourself is unavoidable if you wish to troll at the professional level.</b>

    Another key troll tactic is the practice of <b>winning by losing.</b> While the victim is trying to put forward solid and convincing facts to prove his position, the troll's only goal is to infuriate its prey. The troll takes (what it knows to be) a badly flawed, wholly illogical argument, and then vigorously defends it while mocking and insulting its prey. The troll looks like a complete idiot, but this is all part of the plan. The victim becomes noticeably angry by trying to repeatedly explain the flaws of the troll's argument. Provoking this anger was the troll's one and only goal from the very beginning.

    Another important trolling tip I learned by observing LoZZZer's work: The lioness does not indiscriminately launch an attack on every animal she wishes to eat. She stalks her prey, determining which specific individual antelope is weak, tired and slow. The expert troll must use this very approach, as not every post is worth trolling. ZTroll specifically waits for someone to discuss a topic which is of great personal importance to the prey. With an innate sense of unyielding discipline- a product of millions of years of painstaking troll evolution, ZTroll crouches in the brush, patiently waiting for an <b>emotional, dedicated post.</b> A post where the prey feels so strongly about a certain topic, he can't restrain his emotional enthusiasm when arguing his point. Any post of this sort in chit chat is guaranteed to spark a LoZZZer trolling effort. The predator will then deftly pounce upon its prey, pretending to laugh hysterically at the victim's strong willed, passionate assertions while distorting them in straw-man fashion. Eye on the prize, the creature will then tightly lock its fangs around the prey's neck, clinging tightly to the jugular while deftly wringing the life from its prey until the victim <i><b> cracks</i></b>- i.e., becomes highly frustrated and visibly redfaced. This in turn provides the troll with its well earned nourishment, as well as the creature's only source of sexual gratification: <b> Furious anger and anguish. </b> Thus, the circle of life continues.
    #20     Sep 24, 2006