What I think the truth behind the corona virus boogeyman story

Discussion in 'Options' started by ggelitetrader000, Mar 26, 2020.

  1. I don't doubt that many people are ill. But most people that have died are elderly or have other underlying health conditions. 20,000-30,000 die from the flu every year. If they had died from the 'average flu' or pneumonia as you might expect in other years, would it receive as much attention? The rate of transmission between people is higher with CV, but the death rate is not statistically higher. Certainly not enough to shut down the country. The people standing behind a podium with an audience of journalists and cameras all have jobs. They are all employed and many of them work for the government. If they 'order' small businesses to shut down and people to stay indoors, their lives don't change. But the people that have to work for a living, working paycheck to paycheck, their lives are changed dramatically. It's 'do as I say and not as I do'.
    They want others to make sacrifices that they won't be making. I recently saw that the GDP has fallen 25%, car sales were down 35%, and retail sales in March were down 99% from March of 2019. This can't continue much longer. People won't have jobs to return to when the flu season is over. And unemployment won't pay the rent, CC bills or car payments.

    I have seen scenes of the deceased from NYC. It's unfortunate, but those scenes have existed in previous years. I have seen similar scenes from past years when morgues had people on the floor, not enough room to store them. But they were not related to CV. They don't bother reporting how long they remain there. When a family member dies, how long do they remain in the morgue, several hours? overnight?

    I think issues exist other than the CV. You can't take every existing situation and place the blame on CV.
    Last edited: Apr 4, 2020
    #51     Apr 4, 2020
  2. I have to agree with you to some degree.
    I think the Republicans and Democrats are probably both wings on the same bird.
    #52     Apr 4, 2020
    misterkel likes this.
  3. +1
    {fist bump emoji}
    I've always used that EXACT metaphor for left and right wing. Never heard anyone else use it.
    Goosebumps, in a good way.
    #53     Apr 11, 2020
    DallasCowboysFan likes this.