What I love most about this business....

Discussion in 'Trading' started by Optionpro007, Jun 23, 2005.

  1. is how everytime one starts having success, acts a little
    cocky and starts feeling like "King of the World"....

    And one is so smart, thinking "please you idiot losers, get out of the way,
    because I rule, I am the man!" I figured it out !

    the market turns around and rips you a new ass.....

  2. hopefully you didnt lose too much :) ???
  3. not enough to be out of business,
    but enough to understand, that anything can happen, even the most unexpected,
    at any time....

    rules of money mgmt now for me are the first rule to follow, everything else is secondary or almost irrelevant if you don't follow rule number 1....

    a friend of mine who had traded and made money everyday for almost three weeks in a row, lost 65% of his trading capital during tuesday and wednesday shorting the bonds....
    he got lucky ib sold half his position at the evening margin call.

    months of hard work blown in one bad trade in one day.

    very screwed. this is what happens most often when you start making a living in this business, you start forgetting the rules...

    Hope you are doing well and trading better !

    Cheers !
  4. mhashe


    you can follow the rules religiously 99% of the time. It's that 1% of the time when things go off the hook that needs to be planned for. Crazy business to say the least.
  5. Visaria


    i'm curious - what sort of leverage is your friend trading at?
  6. Actually this is what I hate about the game. I would just as soon continue being cocky but unfortunately you are right.