What happens when dumbasses get to vote

Discussion in 'Politics' started by jficquette, May 12, 2009.

  1. Millions of weathy people voted for Obama, many more than the few execs lining up at the trough you mention.

    And you know all this how?

    #41     May 12, 2009
  2. I see you're another 'informed' voter.

    "Russia and Alaska are divided by the Bering Strait, which is about 55 miles at its narrowest point. In the middle of the Bering Strait are two small, sparsely populated islands: Big Diomede, which sits in Russian territory, and Little Diomede, which is part of the United States. At their closest, these two islands are a little less than two and a half miles apart, which means that, on a clear day, you can definitely see one from the other."
    #42     May 12, 2009
  3. If YOU were informed you would know this was her answer to what qualifications she had to be VP, a heart beat away from POTUS, in the realm of foreign policy, and would also then quickly realize she was (Hopefully) not giving a literal answer since being able to see another country does not bestow upon one the depth of understanding of the complex relationships the underly foreign policy.

    Or maybe you do and like a lot of conservatives, think in sound bites and make stuff up that you think sounds cool, like man I can prove you can see Russia from Alaska...wow dude that is so cool, now I know how to handle Putin since I kin see a teeny, tiny little piece of Russia that Putin probably does not even know exists.

    BTW-what disputes currently exist between Russia and the US in that part of the world where Palin can see into and you seem to hold so much expertise in?


    #43     May 12, 2009
  4. You're right, I'm not informed.

    Will you please inform me on what Obama said his qualifications were with regards to foreign policy?

    I remember something about Biden saying that Obama's lack of foreign policy experience would provoke our enemies? Is this true?

    Why would the VP say he had lack of experience? I thought lack of experience was the main reason everyone attacked Palin?

    I really wish I could just get this straight. It's so confusing.
    #44     May 12, 2009
  5. Lucrum


    He did scoop ice cream at Baskin Robins AND he knows how to shoot hoops.

    So he's got that going for him, which is nice.

    #45     May 12, 2009
  6. dsq


    She was attacked because she was stupider than the guy leaving office.And god knows 8yrs of that was disastrous enough.She is a loathsome dolt who lives the trailer trash life to a tee.Whether its being part of a family of knocked up women or her intellectual incapacity she is an abomination.Anybody who thinks a woman shouldnt be allowed to abort the child conceived from a rapist is a sick,twisted person.Not to mention her views on hunting animals by chasing them down til they can no longer run with a helicopter or snowmobile,is utterly savage and depraved.That isnt hunting thats depravity.Any real hunter will tell you that-no, not the guy that shoots baby rabbits with a 44 mag or shoots out the hiway signs..Her view on man walking with dinosaurs as recently as 4000-6000 yrs ago is the most retarded thing one could utter.She is a frikkin nutcase.She should be institutionalized- she meets the criteria and is a danger to society at large.
    #46     May 12, 2009
  7. Hey Seneca, I asked you a question.

    I said Bush has degrees from Harvard and Yale. Where did you go?
    #47     May 12, 2009

  8. No, more of a sadness, for me anyway..........I would assume this is how one societal tradition [in this case the constitution] slouches away into the sunset, to be replaced by a new societal tradition [ to be announced]...........
    #48     May 12, 2009
  9. If Palin was such a moron how come Obama couldn't beat her on substance. Obama couldn't, so he sent a team of lawyers up to Alaska to try to discredit her. Thats low-road gutter politics and it the politics Obama has always used. You even had Bill Clinton commenting on it and saying Obama has the political instincts of a Chicago thug.
    #49     May 12, 2009
  10. It's the liberal way. They don't want to engage in a respectful argument with their opponents. No, their way is to use their media pals and try to discredit and hopefully destroy them. They did it to Nixon, whose hideous crimes would amount to a typical weekend at the JFK, LBJ or Clinton White House. They did it to Jerry Ford. They tried to do it to Reagan but failed. They did it to Dan Quayle, as decent a man as ever sat in the VP office. He was derided as an idiot because someone handed him a spelling card in some mind-numbing school event with potato misspelled and he didn't immediate catch it. Biden can pontificate about FDR going on Tv during the great depression and the media chuckles. Of course, they did it to Bush, whose great crime was wanting to prevent another 9/11 and Cheney, whom they made into some kind of satanic monster because he also thought we should combat terrorism.

    The treatment of Palin was the most shameful since the Bork Supreme Ccourt nomination. She was subjected to non-stop mean-spirited attacks based on her looks, the fact she didn't go to an Ivy League school and her husband was a blue-collar worker. Oh yeah, the party that celebrates Ted Kennedy, who abandoned a girl drowning in his car, took special delight in abusing her teen-age daughter for an unplanned pregnancy.

    Ironically, these are the same people who accuse Rush Limbaugh of being unacceptably mean-spirited. They do it with a straight face and apparently believe it.
    #50     May 12, 2009