What happened to Republicans? how did they become the tinfoil hatters?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by KINGOFSHORTS, May 6, 2011.

  1. Hello


    Yeah Obama inherited a mess, I get it, noww what was his plan after inheriting the mess? waste another 700 billion on a stimulus program that didnt work, hang us with another new entitlement, increase overall spending, and then use the deficit as a political weapon against the people who are actually trying to do something about it.

    So people have every reason in the world to be mad a Obama about the deficit now, unless of course you are naieve enough to believe that it is not a problem.
    #31     May 6, 2011
  2. Oh, now, don't get me wrong. If someone right of center can form a cohesive argument of what President Obama could have done about deceleration of the debt snowball that 16 out of 24 years was built up from Republican Rule, I am all ears.

    But most of what is gotten is:
    1. He uses a teleprompter
    2. He is not a "real" man, as defined by mostly white, mostly rural standards
    3. He is a Mus.....well, you read the list. I am willing to engage in any discussion that might demonstrate that the poster went past twelfth grade.
    #32     May 6, 2011
  3. Not everyone, just those who call into question his eligibility, his religion, his academics, you well know this stuff smacks of racism. So many articles have been done about this that it is pathetic for you to seriously suggest there is not a racial motive to it.
    #33     May 6, 2011
  4. Let see, Obama could stick to the debt ceiling, but wait, we would then default.

    Or, he could cut military spending, but wait, we are in two wars, and working on a third.

    Or, he could cut the biggest entitlements, but wait, no one can touch our existing health and medical net.

    There is Ryan's plan, but even the pubs don't seem to be down with that, so Hello, I am not sure how to cut the spending, any ideas?
    #34     May 6, 2011
  5. Hello


    This is a load of shit, is there some racism involved in these people who question his birthplace? Sure a small minority might be, but the fact of the matter is that there is nuts on both side, 38% of democrats thought bush brought down the World trade centers, 50% of republicans believed Obama wasnt born here.

    I for one dont believe in either, or any of these conspiracy theories, but if one was to look at them both objectively, which one would have been more likely? That a guy whose dad was not from this country may not have been born here, or that Bush was in on a massive plot to blow up the world trade centers? So then tell me which side is really guilty of the true hatred here? Is it more hateful to say that a guy murdered three thousand of his country men, or to say that a guy wasnt born in the united states, because his father was not from here, and he spent much of his youth living abroad?

    The fact is that there is nuts on both sides who buy into this shit, and it has went up exponentially with the rtise of the internet which also happened to become main stream right when bush began as president, if anything you could probably blame the rise of these loons on the rise of the internet, where anyone can say whatever they want and spread whatever bullshit they want.
    #35     May 6, 2011
  6. kut2k2


    I'm having too much fun bitchslapping you. :D

    Hey, why not put me back on your ignore list then later take me off again like the wishy-washy little girl you are? :p
    #36     May 6, 2011
  7. Try to get this thru ur head Hello, I said FRINGE. There are still Dixiecrats out there.

    As far as objectivity goes, this flies in the face of his being on the Presidential ballot which suggest that the election process itself missed this, all the dems, all the pubs, Ron Paul, everybody, missed this. That is tin foil hat stuff right there.
    #37     May 6, 2011
  8. And the fact that 38% of dems are troofers and half of pubs are birthers might give you a clue as to where the brain drain is. See my earlier post about anti-intellectualism on the right.
    #38     May 6, 2011
  9. Hello


    You never said fringe at all. You made the implication that anyone who calls him a pussy or questions his intelligence is a racist.

    You also said that the people who question his spenindg has to do with everything but his spending.

    All you did was make a bunch of blanket statements about the majority of republicans implying they were all racist.

    Do you read what you post?
    #39     May 6, 2011
  10. Hello


    LOL just as i thought, RCG Trader is a very confused individual,i remembered back when RCG was defending the Tea Partiers against the false accusations so i wasted a little time going through his old posts. Here is what i found, these are priceless. You sure do a complete 180 on these positions RCG. :D

    #40     May 6, 2011