What happened to Cramer's portfolio?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by AAAintheBeltway, May 1, 2002.

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  1. Last year Herb Greenberg was the man - his stories could tank stocks - he usually had 3 or 4 a week - this year -- it seems like maybe once a week he puts out a not-so great story -- Is he working somewhere else besides Real Money ?
    #11     May 6, 2002
  2. Babak


    I think Herb had a big effect because the market was really jittery and all that a stock needed was a little bit of jiggling before it crumbled. Recently, things are so negative that everything is going to hell in a handbasket without requiring any assistance.

    In any case, I doubt how much value he added back then. You certainly can't just sell short when he mentions something. Most of the time stocks mentioned even go up after appearing in his column. Somthing he himself has dubbed the Greenberg effect.

    Also he is a bit too negative for me. Its a bit tiring when he points excitedly at every single bit of negative news that he digs up from 10k's.

    Realmoney just isn't what it used to be (sigh)
    #12     May 6, 2002
  3. mbg


    Realmoney was better until they adopted the TradingMarkets way of doing things - charge for everything beyond the basics. Unfortunately, 99% of what they charge extra for really sucks the big one.

    I guess it would be worthwhile to subscribe to Crammer's action alerts - and just do the opposite of what he says - it would produce better returns!

    I won't be renewing my subscription when it expires - at least if it was in print, I could use it for toilet paper.
    #13     May 6, 2002
  4. One should not follow gurus ...
    #14     May 7, 2002
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