I feel so low-tech compare with some access user here http://www.ataglance.com/store/shop/listProducts.cfm?categoryID=621
Yes, I talk to myself (sub-vocalisation) at the end of the trading day... I get up my charts for all the trades I did and ask myself whether I had got in at the optimal time (even if I was stopped out)... I also ask myself if I juiced profits appropriately (basically, the review of entrys and exits is an assessment of whether things like fear and greed got in the way)... in addition to going over my own trades, I have a look at some of the other trades of the day that were good and that I didn't take... for me, the evening review process is a means of making sure my decision-making abilities are not slipping and is also a way of keeping in touch with bigger picture market issues, such as the daily charts of the indices, and awareness of any forthcoming events which may impact the market etc etc...
If you want to have a closer look at my solution, visit this link: http://scifi.pages.at/stocktrader/Education/Logbuch2/logbuch2.html Best Regards, DEM
Hi DEM, when I tried your hyper-link I found: Whoops - Seite nicht gefunden! Die Seite auf die Sie zugreifen wollen wurde nicht gefunden. Mögliche Gründe für diesen Fehler sind Could you please repost? Thanks ALSO to all the other posts, thanks a lot for sharing your ideas as I'm building a journal format from all.