What does winning the war on terrorism look like?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ZZZzzzzzzz, Jun 28, 2006.

Is there such a thing as winning the war on terrorism?

  1. Yes

    5 vote(s)
  2. No

    11 vote(s)
  1. What would a win on terrorism look like?


    #31     Jun 28, 2006
  2. We shall win the war on terror when Iraq wins the World Cup of Soccer which is held in Teheran.
    #32     Jun 29, 2006
  3. No war 'on terror' can ever be known to be won. In the absense of any terror, one might assume it won, but the very next terror attack will prove him wrong.

    Just because such a war cannot be won, however, doesn't mean it shouldn't be fought. Most of us would admit we can never win a war 'against murder' (there will always be killers), but it doesn't mean we stop trying to catch murderers.

    Having said that, there are more effective ways of fighting such a war than trying to 'build democracy' (by which they really mean liberal democracy, which in a country of hardnut Muslims is as close to hopeless as you'll get).

    Ending immigration and policing more closely our domestic Muslims would be a far more effective way of 'fighting terror'.
    #33     Jun 29, 2006
  4. Haliburton has taken over the entire country of Iraq and is running it like a smooth oiled machine... All the oil wells are spewing black gold and it is being immediately piped/shipped to the east coast refiniries and we are pumping them into our Hummers. Carlisle Corporation is providing security to all of Haliburton's operations and border security with Iran.

    The Iraqi people has mostly been maimed and/or killed but this time by Jihadists human bombs and US bombing runs to clear the Jihadists.

    :D :mad:
    #34     Jun 29, 2006
  5. pattersb

    pattersb Guest

    Kind of like that coke commercial in the 70's.

    Everyone joining hands and dreaming about buying the world a coke.

    Ok, zzzzzzzzzz, very poignant question.

    This was all very predictable going in.
    #35     Jun 29, 2006
  6. Yeah... I can see it now... force all Islamics to wear identifiers... such as a red head band... so all the rest of Americans can track their every action and report on their every move.

    Great solution....

    I think adding strip searches for the Islamic women by ordinary American civilians sudden and at any time would be a nice touch. Ya never know what they're hiding....

    #36     Jun 29, 2006