What does Bill O'Reilly really say about black people?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by ZZZzzzzzzz, Sep 27, 2007.

  1. Charts And Graphs
    What Does Bill O'Reilly Really Say About Black People?

    Fox News motormouth Bill O'Reilly is upset—he says that his recent remarks about those oh-so-well-behaved black people in Harlem were totally taken out of context! So we wondered: Well, what context were they in? Searching through the Fox transcripts, using the terms "Black, "African" and "African-American," and discarding comments about Africa (such as about Darfur or the IMF), Intern Mary itemizes the way in which Bill O'Reilly has talked about black people.

    <img src=http://cache.gawker.com/assets/resources/2007/09/OREILLYFINAL.jpg>

    As a bonus, some of our favorite O'Reilly moments:

    "Black Americans are understandably sensitive about any racial comment made by a Caucasian because of past history. It is true that the most vile things imaginable can be said about the white majority without any consequence, but America has a different set of rules for different groups." —10/4/05

    "With single black women now heading 54.4% of all African-American households, the seeds of social chaos are deeply planted... Forget about counting on parents, that's a pipe dream. The truth is that many parents are addicted to the pipe or the bottle or to pursuing an irresponsible life. Even Bill Cosby can't force a screwed up mother or father to be responsible." —7/8/04

    And of course: "Senator Barack Obama seems to be a nice guy; I won't say he's 'articulate,' because some African-Americans hear that word and take offense. In fact, I won't give the Senator any compliments other than the nice guy description, just to be on the safe side." —2/8/07

  2. So what's your point?

    Most of the things he said are true...and most black people would admit it.

    examples from your idiotic chart..

    1-Black people have a large out of wedlock birthrate..it's a fact.
    2-Black people are better off today than 40 years ago...true, and so is almost everyone else.
    3-Katrina was not racially motivated...how the fuck do you motivate a hurricane?
    4-Black people are influenced by hip-hop....only a blind and stupid troll like ZZZ wouldn't realize that. ZZZ probably thinks black people don't like basketball either.

    Stop being such a whiney bitch ZZZtroll.
  3. Turok


    I think is was the "don't understand him 8%" that got to the Ztroll



  4. [​IMG]
  5. Brandonf

    Brandonf Sponsor

    Here is a question that is sure to generate some opinons. How do racial quotas at our top universities really help blacks out.

    For example, the majority of blacks admitted into law school end up graduating in the bottom half of their classes, and over half never pass the bar. They end up with an "education" they can not use and a ton of debt. How did that help them at all? Why not spend the time and energy to actually improve things, rather than quick fix, feel good cosmetic solutions?