what do you want ? dreams, hopes desires of traders

Discussion in 'Psychology' started by marketsurfer, Sep 28, 2002.

  1. I was watching an interview of Buffet, and the reporter couldn't understand why the 2nd richest American lives like an average American. Buffet tried to explain to him that he does it because he loves the game, and he is lucky enough where his occupation pays very well. He even said he would still do what he does even if it didn't pay a nickel.

    Now it's hard to argue against one of the best speculators of our time don't you think?

    #21     Sep 29, 2002
  2. doher


    A new car for my wife and a pool for my kid
    #22     Sep 29, 2002
  3. tampa


    Sorry surf, but it's not a fair question to throw out.

    The answer has much to do with who and what you already are - your stage and place in life.

    As the years go by, objectives, hopes and dreams can and do change.

    What do I personally want? A little more self-respect. The knowledge that on any given day I can enter the arena and compete with the best and the brightest, and hopefully leave with a tad more than I came in with.

    Being able to do that day in and day out would make me a very happy camper.
    #23     Sep 29, 2002
  4. just want to do what I do with excellence.
    #24     Sep 29, 2002
  5. nitro


    To make good trades, to not get in or get out too soon or too late, and to have those trades make their profit objective before they make their stop loss - that was my objective.

    Now, it is to increase my size SUBSTANTIALLY, to get to a broker/firm that offers bullets, and SIPC, and 9/10 of cent or less per share, and rebates or less per share for volume.

    #25     Sep 29, 2002
  6. I don't know what I want but,
    I know what I don't want.

    I don't want to end up on the outside looking in.

    I don't want to have to look at the last trade of my career. You
    know, the one that blew up your account, and know I screwed it up.

    I don't want to have to walk away quietly, and pretend it doesn't matter anyway.
    #26     Sep 29, 2002
  7. I want to pull up in front of the best club in NY City and step out of my Porsche GT Carrera and meet three super-models as they walk me up to the front door. Then, the bouncer says, "Hello Mr. Aphie, how is your evening tonight?"

    "Super," I reply, "Here is $1,000 for holding the door. How are the kids?"

    Then I walk inside and instantly the DJ stops the music and announces my presence to the club.

    "Ladies and Gentleman, Mr. Aphie is in the Hooooooouuuussssseeeeeee." I then proceed upstairs to the VIP lounge, where I autograph a few of my books, "How I turned 5k into 5.62 trillion in 39 seconds in the Future's Market."

    Then after a night of drinking $1k Champagne and flirting with exotic models from around the world, my cell phone rings and my assistant, Mr. Optional777, informs me that my 5,000 ES contracts have just reached my target of +20 points. "Sell them Mr. Optional, and keep a few hundred K for yourself!"

    I then leave the club and head to my Yacht called "U.S.S. Angela" and proceed to play "ramming games" with other smaller yachts.

    I finish the night off by smoking a few cuban cigars and logging onto Elite Trader to add another entry to my journal.
    #27     Sep 29, 2002
  8. he has way too much personality to have just one screen name.:p
    #28     Sep 29, 2002
  9. aphex,

    life could be sooooooo grand!!!!:D :D
    #29     Sep 29, 2002
  10. good thread surf!

    as for woman, I've found the one for me. No rings yet, but soon.

    car. i love my jeep cherokee...but maybe a newer model soon(i'm not big into buying depreciating assets)

    and homes, the market probably over-priced, and we're not ready yet ...but this home is about 10 miles from me....a bit too modern for my usual taste...but it'll due...:)

    asking price on that home.$895,000
    and maybe an "Inspired Speculation" sweatshirt to finish the collection:cool:
    #30     Sep 29, 2002